Home » Europe turned to face Ukraine, pointing Russia to its place

Europe turned to face Ukraine, pointing Russia to its place

by alex

Europe visiting Ukraine/Rai News

Nevertheless, if we proceed from intra-European realities, then some countries are going through large-scale transformations. Italy and Germany in particular. Although it seems to us that everything is changing very slowly in relation to Russia. But for the countries themselves, this is almost a reversal.

Radical changes

In Germany, first of all, the defense policy is changing – not only along the Ukraine-Russia line, but also, when Germany will significantly increase security spending. Well, the economy, in the energy sector.

Italy has traditionally had close ties with Russia not only at the economic level, but also at the political and media level (Berlusconi is here as a collective image). But, here, Prime Minister Draghi is quite clear in his wording regarding Putin (he considers negotiations with him a waste of time), and this gradually influences the position of others. For example, in the sphere of media.


I follow the topic of the investigation inside Italy regarding the use of the media as a platform for Russian disinformation – the Italian media often published propagandists from the Russian Federation. So some are beginning to see the light.

Financial Times wrote that Sallusti, who was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Il Giornale (owned by the Berlusconi family) for 11 years, when there was a discussion about the war on one of the channels last week in Ukraine, suddenly suddenly turned into a supporter of the EU and NATO.

On the same broadcast via Skype included Zakharova and Solovyov (directly from Red Square), who, of course, blame the West for everything. So, Sallusti called their words an example of the worst propaganda, and said that he no longer wants to be in this company.

How many and what weapons are needed for the victory of Ukraine – watch the video:

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