Home » Europe is acting unfairly – Davidyuk about asylum for Russians who are running away from mobilization

Europe is acting unfairly – Davidyuk about asylum for Russians who are running away from mobilization

by alex

Europe recently canceled the simplified visa regime with Russia and even discussed the possibility of a complete ban on visiting EU countries for citizens of the aggressor country. However, something has changed, and Russians are already applying for asylum in Europe.

Giving asylum to Russians is a big mistake in Europe

After Putin announced mobilization in Russia, his citizens rushed to pack their bags and flee the country so as not to go to war in Ukraine and die on our soil. In response to such actions, the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, said that Europe should open the borders for these Russians, because they were allegedly in danger because of their political views. Political scientist Mykola Davydyuk commented on this for Channel 24.

He explained the whole absurdity of the situation. So, the Russians, who until recently, at the beginning of a full-scale war, supported Putin, were “out of politics”, did not go to protests and wanted to know how their “special operation” would end, today they cross the border, and in 3 months they will apply for social assistance, which marched across Ukraine.

That is, those who supported the war will now eat the bread of those who really ran away from this war,” Davidyuk stated.

The political scientist noted that comparing the fear of mobilization and the anti-war position is a big and terrible mistake in Europe. After all, in fact, the majority of those who are now fleeing Russia are not against the war, but against the fact that this war is carried out by their own hands. If these Russians were really against the war, they would have taken to the streets against Putin, but they didn't.

What does this mean for Ukrainians

“If they accept the Russians, then the check is not closed before us. Pay us money by the Russian oligarchs. Yesterday they arrested 500 billion – pay,” Davidyuk emphasized.

According to him, when Europe opens up all the ports and all the opportunities for the Russians, the Ukrainians feel second-rate. After all, we are being beaten, bombs are being thrown behind us, and then suddenly the Russians, who had conditionally supported the war yesterday, say that they know nothing and they need help, and they are really accepted.

They accept them instead of saying: “Friends, solve the problem inside.” Millions of Russians can solve Putin's problem, but this is a nation of tsykuns who would rather run away and sit and wait for someone to do it for them, the political scientist emphasized.

Consequently, Europe is acting unfairly towards Ukrainians. If she really wants to accept the Russians, then so that we don’t feel that second-rate, this should be compensated, for example, by speeding up the issuance of money from Russian oligarchs and the Russian government to Ukraine. So, at a time when the EU arrested 500 billion dollars from Russia, Ukraine, which needs 5 billion a month to support the economy, takes them on credit.

Davidyuk is sure that if Europe opens borders for Russians, it should open wallets for Ukrainians. We do not demand their money – let the Russians pay. Now part of the arrested Russian money will be allocated for the maintenance of “refugees” from Russia.

As a result, it turns out that when the war was in the hot phase, and Russia was actively shelling cities throughout Ukraine, Europe paid Putin a billion dollars a day for energy resources, that is, in fact, financed the shelling. Now they have decided to save the Russians. The situation is developing as offensively and unfairly as possible for Ukrainians.

“The question is when will you save Ukrainians? you. And at this time, you, generous ones, are saving the Russians. Perhaps then you will be engaged in your own salvation, “Davidyuk continued.

He stressed that we are very grateful that the European countries accepted our people, but at the same time, during the war, Ukraine saved North Africa from starvation with its grain. Otherwise, already in November, Europe had to accept 100 million people from there.

It seems to me that we should be much tougher with Europe, – Davidyuk noted.

Russia carries out national cleansing

According to the political scientist, the ideal scenario for Ukraine would be for the Russians to take to the square after the announcement of mobilization and overthrow Putin. But this, of course, does not happen, so there is also an imperfect scenario – that after a mass flight abroad, Russians will interfere on the battlefield.

“It is clear that if out of this allegedly classified million or out of 300 thousand it will be 100 or 20 thousand, for us this is also a quantitative advantage. And the fact that we can now get fewer Russians is good,” he explained.

At the same time, you need to understand who is fleeing Russia right now. This is not 120 million people, after which only children and pensioners remain who will not fight. No, wealthy people who can afford it leave. It is mainly ethnic minorities, such as Buryats, Yakuts, and even Crimean Tatars, who are driven to execution in Ukraine.

A national purge is underway. Putin, as an imperialist, cleans up his colonies so that later they can be easily controlled and let Russians go there, who will come from Europe fed, drunk from euros in their pockets, and go to buy real estate – Crimean dachas or housing of the murdered. And it turns out that the Russians are twice in the black,” Davidyuk summed up.

Lithuania will not provide asylum to the Russians

However, not all Europeans have changed their attitude towards the Russians and are ready to save them from mobilization in their countries. Among those who refused the Russians asylum is Lithuania. The local Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gabrielius Landsbergis, has officially stated that Lithuania will not grant asylum to those who “simply run away from responsibility.” He stressed that the Russians must stay and fight. But not against Ukraine, but against Putin.

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