Home » EU ambassadors ignored meeting with Lavrov: Russia is hysterical and threatening

EU ambassadors ignored meeting with Lavrov: Russia is hysterical and threatening

by alex

EU ambassadors refused to come to a meeting with Lavrov/Collage 24 Channel< p _ngcontent-sc140 class="news-annotation">No one from the civilized world wants to have anything to do with Russia. However, the Russians themselves cannot understand this. Thus, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov began to complain about the EU ambassadors.

The reason for this was the fact that he was ignored by the ambassadors of the European Union. Against this backdrop, hysteria broke out in Russia. The Kremlin demands “punishment” for the ambassadors.

EU ambassadors rejected Lavrov's invitation

< p>As Russian propagandists say, Sergei Lavrov “about a week and a half ago” invited diplomats to a meeting. The reason was the upcoming so-called presidential elections in Russia, the result of which is already clear to everyone.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the aggressor country stated that Russia allegedly had data that indicated preparing mechanisms to support the non-systemic opposition before the presidential elections. That the EU embassies in Moscow were trying to organize this.

That is why Lavrov decided to gather ambassadors. Ostensibly in order to give them advice not to engage in such matters. True, the diplomats sent him a note, but they simply ignored the meeting with the head of the ministry. Subsequently, it became known that the EU ambassadors rejected the proposal, arguing this with a low level of trust.

At the EU Permanent Representation noted that ambassadors were indeed invited. But they did it “without any proposals on the agenda.”

Our response was after the death of Alexei Navalny and how the EU’s calls for an independent international investigation into the causes of his death remained unheeded, the diplomatic mission noted.

Hysteria in Russia is not was calming down

This is how former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev reacted to the situation. He, trying to protect Lavrov, began to scatter threats. They say that ambassadors of EU countries should be expelled from Russia, and also the level of diplomatic relations should be reduced.

Sergey Markov, State Duma deputy and Putin's confidant, called Lavrov's ignorance an “unprecedented event.”

The EU ambassadors insulted Lavrov and refused to come to a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov. This is an unprecedented event. “I don’t even remember such a demarche, such an insult,” he emphasized.

According to Markov, Lavrov allegedly sought to convey information to all ambassadors about how their states are trying to interfere in the upcoming presidential elections in Russia.

This means: EU countries will absolutely openly interfere in the elections in Russia in order to undermine their legitimacy. EU countries apparently do not recognize Putin as Russia's next term president. Diplomacy has deteriorated. The reason is clear – the EU and Russia are at war with each other,” he emphasized.

Please note that the so-called presidential elections in Russia will be held from March 15 to March 17, 2024. It’s not difficult to guess who will get the “victory”.

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