Home » Eternal friend of the Kremlin and the one who “detoothed” “KVN”: biography of host Alexander Maslyakov

Eternal friend of the Kremlin and the one who “detoothed” “KVN”: biography of host Alexander Maslyakov

by alex

The Kremlin's Eternal Friend and the One Who “De-Toothed” KVN: Biography of Host Alexander Maslyakov Dmitry Usik

Alexander Maslyakov/Collage 24 Channel

On Sunday, September 8, Russian TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov died at the age of 83. He had been ill for a long time and, according to media reports, had an inoperable lung tumor.

Alexander Maslyakov is known as the founder of the company “AMiK”, the organizer of the “Club of the cheerful and resourceful” and its permanent host. However, in fact, he can be characterized as a devoted Putinist, who did everything to promote the Kremlin's ideas. What is known about Alexander Maslyakov, 24 Channel reports.

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk. After finishing school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), from which he graduated in 1966.

Maslyakov got into television by chance, when he was a fourth-year student. At that time, the host of “KVN” Albert Akselrod left the program, and Maslyakov received an offer to become one of the 5 TV hosts of a humorous show, which was being filmed by the team that won the previous game.

Due to its sharp satire on Soviet reality, KVN did not last very long: first, the show stopped broadcasting live, and in 1972 it was finally closed. Then Maslyakov left television for several years.

After the beginning of perestroika, in 1986, “The Club of the Funny and Inventive” was reborn, and Alexander Maslyakov became the host again. The program itself quickly regained its former fame, and “KVN” became part of the general culture.

In 1990, Alexander Maslyakov founded the creative association “Alexander Maslyakov and Company” (abbreviated as “AMiK”). This company became the official organizer of the “KVN” games, as well as a number of related programs. Maslyakov remained the host and director of a number of programs produced by the “AMiK” company.

Alexander Maslyakov at the KVN games/Russian photos SMI

If at the beginning of its existence “KVN” was a sharp program that was not afraid of satire on the authorities, then later it became part of pro-government propaganda . “The Club of the Merry and Resourceful” under the leadership of Alexander Maslyakov clearly reflected the position of the Russian authorities, avoiding their criticism.

Thus, in 2017, NATO's Strategic Communications Centre Stratcom called the Russian comedy show KVN “a tool of political strategic communications.”

“KVN” can be described as a commercial product and a business model. This business became possible and is growing because the owner of the KVN brand has a special relationship with the Kremlin, the report says.

According to experts, thanks to the “KVN machine,” the Kremlin “has access to a specific, strategic audience that is ready to serve the regime.” Unlike the Soviet years, when “KVN” ran counter to the party's policies, the program was broadcast on Channel One and did not allow attacks on the current government. The producers mercilessly cut out any criticism of the country's leadership, and in its place were jokes about “Kuz'kina mother” and unsuccessful caricatures of Obama, Merkel, Clinton and other Western politicians.

Considering the agenda that is advantageous to the Kremlin, it is not surprising that Alexander Maslyakov has become a respected person in the Kremlin. In 2011, then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree awarding the permanent host of KVN, Alexander Maslyakov, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd degree, for “great services to the development of domestic television and many years of fruitful activity.”

It is also interesting that in 2012 Maslyakov was a member of the “People's Headquarters” of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. Putin himself loved the “Club of the Merry and Inventive” and from time to time attended the next games – both in the status of Prime Minister and in the status of President of Russia.

Alexander Maslyakov and Vladimir Putin in 2018/photo by Russian media

For his 75th birthday in 2016, Alexander Maslyakov received several more awards – “For Services to the Republic of Dagestan” and the medal “For Strengthening Military Cooperation” from the Russian Defense Ministry. Putin also presented him with the Order “For Services to the Fatherland” II degree.

Alexander Maslyakov receives an order from Putin/photo from Russian media

Already in 2021 presenter received the Order “For Services to the Fatherland” 1st degree.

It is important to note that in the same year, Alexander Maslyakov officially recognized the “KVN” league from the so-called DPR. The host was included in base of the center “Mirotvorets” for complicity in the legalization of the annexation of Crimea and the terrorist organization “DPR”.

Also the son of the presenter Alexander Maslyakov Jr. in 2023, together with two “KVN” teams came to the occupied Donbass and performed for the so-called veterans of the SVO. Among the cities they visited with concerts was Mariupol, destroyed by the Russian army.

Also worth mentioning is the influence of Alexander Maslyakov on the popularity of “95th Kvartal”. Despite the huge success, the Ukrainian team encountered obstacles during the games in the Major League. Thus, in 2002, “Kvartal” only reached the semi-finals, and the following year it only reached the second stage of the Major League. После этого команда покинула “КВН”.

“Квартал” с Зеленским в “КВН”/архивное photo

In 2018, Volodymyr Zelensky lifted the curtain, saying that “95th Quarter” was the only Ukrainian team in the Major League. The producers could not allow the team from Krivoy Rog to defeat the team from Moscow.

Vladimir Zelensky admitted that after leaving the game, he was offered to become the editor of “KVN”. And Maslyakov decided to disband the team, sending the remaining participants home.

Well, for me this is generally a sore point: what does it mean to disband friends? Are they slaves? Slavery has been abolished. I said, “No, I'm just with the guys,” Zelensky says.

The founder of “Kvartal” said that after that they returned to Ukraine and started creating their own show. However, the team was thwarted. Zelensky is not sure that Maslyakov was involved in the problems, but noted that after breaking up with “KVN” he was excommunicated.

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