Home » Epicenter handed over 10 modern ambulances to Ukrainian doctors

Epicenter handed over 10 modern ambulances to Ukrainian doctors

by alex

As part of the Save a Life charity initiative, Epicenter has handed over another batch of 10 modern ambulances to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. In the coming days, they will be sent to medical facilities in the Kherson, Zhytomyr, Volyn and Sumy regions.

It is known that 3 ambulances will be handed over to military doctors in the Defense Forces unit, Channel 24 informs. According to Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko, such cars are now urgently needed both in civilian hospitals and at the front.

“They help us go to hard-to-reach places, because due to the destruction of infrastructure, in particular the destruction of bridges, the time for an ambulance to arrive sometimes increases. This leads to the fact that we have to take out many more cars at the same time, attract emergency medical teams,” he said. Minister Viktor Lyashko .

I thank the Epicenter company for the cooperation, which has been helping us since the time of the COVID-19 epidemic, responds to our requests and really helps medical institutions improve the infrastructure,” he added.

The Ministry of Health received 10 special cars for doctors from Epicenter/Photo by Epicenter

The company purchased a new batch of reanimobiles together with buyers, partners and suppliers of the network of shopping centers “Epicenter”. They actively join the Save a Life initiative with their donations, and thus thank the doctors for saving thousands of lives.

“We will continue our initiative for as long as necessary, and we will help the Ministry of Health and doctors save lives. During the last broadcast, I remember the words of one of the doctors of the Nikolaev region. He said that we are saving thousands of lives, and with such cars and with such technical With a complete set, we will have the opportunity to help the wounded even more. It is very symbolic that we hand over these cars when the world celebrates Christmas. This is the time when humanity looks to the future with hope and faith in salvation, and Ukrainians with a big dream of peace and victory”, – said Galina Gerega, founder and head of the Epicenter K society.

Epicenter bought 10 more ambulances for Ukrainian doctors/Photo “Epicenter”

Modern fast for doctors: what they are equipped with

Medical special vehicles are equipped with modern technology that doctors need to save people. In particular, Epicenter purchased ambulances equipped with:

  • defibrillators,
  • electrocardiographs,
  • pulse oximeter,
  • infusion pumps,
  • glucometers,
  • stationary oxygen tanks,
  • portable ventilators.

Modern ambulances are equipped with everything necessary for rescue/Photo “Epicenter”

All this allows doctors to carry out resuscitation directly in a fast carriage and increases the chance of salvation. This is especially true during the evacuation of the wounded from combat zones.

“Epicenter” handed over 10 modern ambulances: watch the video

In general, since August 2022, Epicenter has financed and donated 30 reanimobiles for medical needs in the amount of more than UAH 80 million. They don't plan to stop there. The next batch of modernly equipped ambulances from Epicenter is expected in January 2023.

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