It would be enough for several Belgorods: dozens of air defenses guard Putin’s residence in Valdai Yulia Murina How Putin's residence is guarded/Collage 24 Channel (Google Earth, Defense Express, Nexta) The Russian dictator is so afraid for his life, that to protect only one residence in Valdai, the occupiers built a network of Flakturm and caught up with S-400. So, around one of the residences Putin on Lake Valdai recorded a huge concentration of air defense systems. Journalists analyzed updated satellite images of the area dated April 2024, which were published by Google. Defense Express observers noted that the picture is not complete, because the images were only partially updated and, therefore, this is only a part. The residence area is in red, updated satellite images are in white. How Putin’s residence in Valdai is guarded/Nexta infographics Therefore, the publication’s journalists were able to count only part of the air defense systems that are now guarding Putin’s residence in Valdai. However, this is enough to estimate the scale. After all, in this territory alone the occupiers deployed 8 self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun systems“Pantsir” and one position of the S-400 air defense system. Observers added that with the maximum probability, is only half. By the way, if the S-400 was deployed there earlier, because next to the permanent deployment point of the 42nd anti-aircraft missile regiment of Russia, which began receiving these new air defense systems in 2022, a real network was created for the Pantsirs. It began to be built somewhere in December 2023, as evidenced by an archive of satellite images in a much worse resolution from ESA. In the images below, the positional area S-400 and one of the Pantsir air defense systems on November 3, 2023, before the start of work, and on July 8, 2024/Satellite footage < p class="additional-image"> The publication noted that this S-400 position was significantly expanded, received new buildings for crews and Flakturm for the Pantsir air defense missile system – a special structure to place the complex at an altitude of several tens of meters. Several radar stations at once/Nexta Similar Flakturm have been spotted around the residence of the Russian dictator, with the distance between them sometimes being only a few kilometers. However, not all of these structures were completed and had air defense installed as of April.
The occupiers erected Flakturm/Defense Express Taking this into account, we can make the assumption that the real outfit of forces for the direct protection of only this one Putin residence in Valdai consists of 15 – 16 units of the Pantsir air defense missile system, which are located around the perimeter, as well as a full anti-aircraft missile system regiment on the S-400,” the publication noted. Added that we are talking only about air defense in this one area and it is possible that at a range of 20 – 50 kilometers from Valdai there is another air defense perimeter. But even these means of just directly covering Putin’s estate could well be enough to protect somewhere two Belgorods,” noted observers. They also suggested that if such a powerful air defense area was created around Putin’s estate in Valdai, more than 600 kilometers from Ukraine, then most likely similar forces are deployed around other palaces and residences of the war criminal and his closest henchmen.How Putin's residence is protected
Enough for several Belgorods: dozens of air defenses guard Putin’s residence in Valdai