Home » Emergency blackouts continue to operate in Kyiv: schedules do not work

Emergency blackouts continue to operate in Kyiv: schedules do not work

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc100="" class="news-annotation">The energy system of the capital is in a very difficult position. Since the morning of December 28, stabilization schedules have not been working.

At the same time, power engineers introduced emergency shutdowns. By the way, earlier the Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Petr Panteleev warned that such uncontrolled blackouts in Kyiv could continue throughout the winter.

Schedules for the capital are not relevant yet

< p>The rolling blackout plan, which was drawn up earlier, is not yet in effect, according to DTEK. Residents of the city are asked to treat emergency shutdowns with understanding, because only the joint efforts of power engineers and consumers can get rid of the deficit.

We ask all customers to reduce their energy consumption as much as possible. We ask business clients to be conscious of the requirements to reduce electricity consumption and limit the use of outdoor lighting on the facades of offices, restaurants, shopping centers, DTEK Kyiv calls.

What are the best hours to use electrical appliances/Infographics Channel 24

Why some areas are out of power for longer: an expert's answer

  • One of the worst power supply situations right now is Kyiv. Unfortunately, so far the capital has not been able to switch to hourly charts.
  • The director of the Energy Research Center Alexander Kharchenko told about this. He explained that on weekends, for example, Ukrainians get more light, because the load from industrial enterprises decreases.
  • The situation in which an imbalance in the supply of electricity occurs is associated with small accidents at regional substations. The fact is that they are not designed for frequent outages, and therefore suffer in extreme conditions.
  • Therefore, there are cases when some houses can be without electricity for 2 days, but in neighboring areas it is. The power engineers just don't have time to fix it.

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