Home » Elite and intellectuals are preparing for the disappearance of Russia from the world map: what is the role of Ukraine

Elite and intellectuals are preparing for the disappearance of Russia from the world map: what is the role of Ukraine

by alex

Forum participants will discuss the options for the collapse of Russia/Collage 24 channel

The Forum of the Free Peoples of Russia is taking place in Prague. The event aims to let our Western friends know how much easier the world will heal when Russia falls apart.


The organizer was the Latvian Institute of Russian Regions. Representatives of the Institute tend to believe that now is the right time to start acting actively and making a difference. The Institute is convinced that the free peoples of Russia have the full right to their own national states and the right to own and dispose of those natural resources and other amenities that are characteristic of their republics.

About the purpose of the FVNR on the first day of the forum with an exclusive video link from Prague Oleg Dunda, People's Deputy of Ukraine from the Servant of the People faction, told the channel 24 website.

“We must convey to the world the urgent need for the disappearance of Russia as states”

Commenting on the agenda of the first discussion day of the Prague forum, the politician stressed the importance of forming in the collective consciousness of the installation event that Russia must inevitably disappear from the face of the earth. audience, representatives of many states came. As political and public figures and representatives of expert circles.

The elite and intellectuals are preparing for the disappearance of Russia from the world map: what is the role of Ukraine

Klimkin's speech/Photo courtesy of the organizers

< p>Ukrainian observers of events within the framework of the forum will pay the most attention to such people as:Pavel Klimkin, Tamila Tasheva, Evgeny Magda (Ukraine), Wojciech Pokora, Mariusz Pilis (Poland), Andrius Almanis (Lithuania), Edward Lucas (Great Britain), Paul Massaro (USA).

Among them are potential members of the government who could become the political elites of the newly formed nation-states on the ruins of Russia,” says Dunda.

Such independent states should simply be formed as a result of the disappearance of Muscovy, because, as Mr. Oleg says, its collapse is inevitable. According to the deputy, the occupying country should disappear within a very short time.

its mischievous existence.

After our northern neighbor disappears, the event will need to show its willingness to act. Including in the context of neutralizing the potential danger, which will be a source of nuclear warheads, which at the time of the completion of the disintegration of the Russian state, nuclear warheads, the speaker is convinced.

Elite and intellectuals are preparing for the disappearance of Russia from the world map: what is the role of Ukraine

In addition, within the framework of the event, it is planned to work out a strategy of behavior with the newly minted nation-states, he believes/Photo courtesy of the People's Deputy

Dunda expressed confidence that our friends in the West should form for themselves a clear understanding of how to support the republics emerging as a result of the disintegration of the newest Russian empire.

Such an understanding is necessary to prevent any reverse processes, as already happened three decades after the collapse of the country of the Soviets – emphasized the Ukrainian MP.

Back to news will be accompanied by the collapse of Russia if everyone just passively observes everything that happens, – the Ukrainian parliamentarian attracts the attention.

In the worst case scenario, one of the many very likely consequences of the collapse of Russia would be the rapid proliferation of a variety of weapons by many countries of the world. – emphasizes the politician.

In addition, there is also the issue of interethnic conflicts, which will also pose a great danger.

And the last component of the second key task is the preparation of the already mentioned future elites, who will be entrusted with lead new national state formations.

According to Dunda, representatives of this future ruling class should already be accustomed to appropriate work in favor of the main goal. And they should start this work on the territory of still intact Russia.

National legions will be one of the tools that will make it possible to accelerate the decay

Oleg Dunda believes that the foreign military, who are fighting today as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, can help Russia disintegrate faster. First of all, this can be done by battalions of Chechens, who are now helping Ukrainians defend themselves against a major Russian invasion.

However, he doubts the effectiveness of the Freedom of Russia legion in this context. The parliamentarian argues his doubts by the fact that all Russians are imperials in one way or another.

Those of them who are on our side on the battlefield today are simply fighting the Putin regime, who is hoped to seize power after the defeat of the Kremlin, – the Ukrainian representative argues.

Our deputy is deeply convinced that whoever is at the head of a state hostile to us, he will pose exactly the same threat in the future, which is now represents Putin.

The role of Ukraine in the process of the collapse of Russia, according to the considerations of the Ukrainian official, should only be to create all the necessary conditions for the training of paramilitary groups and agitators-enlighteners on its territory for further successful subversive activities those already on Russian territory.

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