Home » Earthquake in Russia: tremors rock Baikal

Earthquake in Russia: tremors rock Baikal

by alex

Earthquake recorded on Baikal in Russia/Collage 24 Channel< p _ngcontent-sc90 class="news-annotation">An earthquake of magnitude 6 was recorded in Lake Baikal, in the Russian Far East. The tremors were felt by residents of several cities.

On May 13, the Irkutsk Department of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Affairs reported an earthquake in the Baikal region. According to the Russian agency, the epicenter of the tremors is at coordinates 52.90 north latitude and 107.24 east longitude. This is reported by 24 Channel.

More about the earthquake on Baikal

According to the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the intensity of the earthquake in Ulan-Ude reached a magnitude of 3 to 4, which indicates weak to moderate sensations. At the same time, in Irkutsk, Khomutovo, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Sayantui, Smolensk region and Sotnikovo a magnitude of 3.

Date and time of the tremors was recorded in Greenwich Mean Time – 05/12/2024, 22:56. Greenwich time lags behind Irkutsk time by 8 hours (that is, the earthquake was recorded at 06:56 local time and 01:56 Kyiv time – Channel 24), writes the Irkutsk Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

< p>Currently there have been no reports of significant damage or casualties – at least this is what the Russian media are writing about. They also distribute footage showing the locations of the tremors.

< em>There were tremors on Lake Baikal in Russia/Map from the telegram channel of the Irkutsk Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Scientists claim that the Baikal area belongs to to an area with high seismicity: earthquakes regularly occur here, the strength of most of which is one or two points on the MSK-64 intensity scale.

In 1959, the Central Baikal earthquake occurred with an at the bottom of Lake Baikal near the village of Sukhaya. Its strength reached magnitude 9. In Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk, the strength of the main shock reached 6: cracks formed and minor damage was recorded.

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