Home » “Earth vibrations work differently in Ukrainian”: Channel 24 presenter turned to Russian speakers

“Earth vibrations work differently in Ukrainian”: Channel 24 presenter turned to Russian speakers

by alex

Channel 24 host turned to Ukrainians who speak Russian/Channel 24

The vast majority of Ukrainians are in favor of Ukrainian being the only state language. Against the background of the new sociology, the host of Channel 24 turned to the Russian-speaking part of Ukraine.

Daria Kudimova recalled how the Russians are conducting a powerful disinformation campaign, fighting the Ukrainians on the information front as well. We are talking about recent stuffing on the topic of Russian becoming the second state language in Ukraine.

“It's just amazing how the Russians decided that they are the navel of the Earth and can dictate to neighboring countries who should live how. Not want (Russian as the state language – Channel 24) even those Russian-speaking Ukrainians who have always spoken Russian,” the TV presenter said.

Kudimova: It's easy to return to your native language if you wish

Kudimova decided to comment on the language issue based on her own experience. She was born in the Luhansk region, in a Russian-speaking settlement, which is now under occupation. She also lived in Russia for some time.

Before moving to the capital, more than 20 years ago, Ukrainian was little used. It so happened, however, it is very easy to return to your native language when there is a desire, – the journalist of Channel 24 assured.

The presenter noted that “when you speak Ukrainian, the vibrations of the Earth work a little differently.” Allegedly, there is such a theory and it has the right to exist, because you tune in completely differently, she says from her own experience.

“You are more confident and determined. You are in your roots, which give you incredible support,” Kudimova said, giving some personal advice for Russian speakers, one of which is reading in Ukrainian.

“I read aloud in Ukrainian. By the way, Ukrainian translations of world literature are the best. Read in Ukrainian and use it in everyday life,” the journalist called.

What is most restrained from switching to Ukrainian

The TV presenter of Channel 24 recalled that she was most restrained in her time from switching to Ukrainian. “This is what someone would say that she is imperfect, clumsy,” she emphasized.

“Once Vasily Shklyar said to me on the air:“ Are you from the Luhansk region? I was convinced that you were from the Lviv region. You have such Ukrainian”. Then I exhaled and decided that everything. I have the right to use the nightingale,” she stressed.

Appeal to Ukrainians who speak Russian, Kudimova concluded by saying that everything is possible, < strong>if you wish.

“I advise you to switch to Ukrainian, so that no one later wants to come and defend the “Russian-speaking population”, so that no “liberators” come to our land”, – summed up the journalist.

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