Home » Dugin, Kovalchuk, Bagdasarov: on whose ideas does the Kremlin rely in its manic decisions

Dugin, Kovalchuk, Bagdasarov: on whose ideas does the Kremlin rely in its manic decisions

by alex

Destroying the world order, Putin is inspired by fascist ideas/Collage 24 Channel

There is an opinion that very often the Kremlin acts irrationally and recklessly, independently falling into the trap of its political myths, created over decades. However, in fact, even when guided by extremely crazy ideas, Vladimir Putin is able to find useful applications for them for his regime.

About this in his material , dedicated to the classified research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, discusses journalist Alexey Chibisov. He also identifies three Russian ideologists who directly influence the decisions Putin made.

What ideas influence Putin

In the years preceding Russian aggression in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, ideas of revanchism towards the West became widespread in Russian society. Those who considered the collapse of the USSR a “tragedy” blamed it not on the mistakes of party officials, but on the “treachery” of democracies.

From this context, the so-called “Eurasianism” was born – ephemeral-fascist concept of the pseudo-philosopher Alexander Dugin, which tried to answer the question of how Russia could restore its imperial status in the 21st century.

This concept assumed that the Russian ethnic group has a “civilizational mission” is to unite all the countries of the former USSR into a single state that would again challenge the “Anglo-Saxons”. As in any other fascist concept, democracy in this case gave way to dictatorship, and violation of international law to the need to fulfill the “plan of history.”

This “anti-Western” nonsense was shared by close friend of Putin Yuri Kovalchuk, who is rumored among Russian observers to have a significant influence on the dictator. Kovalchuk does not publish articles with his thoughts, but he was important in that he could additionally persuade Putin to make extremely irrational decisions, such as a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

How Russia began to implement the postulates of “Eurasianism”

In parallel with the beginning of the “anti-Western” turn in Russia in the late 2000s and early 2010s, the country The terrorist began to restore her influence on the countries of Africa and Asia, which were previously part of the zone of influence of the USSR. nightmare” in Syria and Africa, promoting Russian interests there and, if necessary, even organizing coups there. But all this would have been impossible without the people who were behind this “dirty work”. the agenda necessary for Putin in regions of the world open to Russian influence, and in addition, he worked on a mechanism for circumventing sanctions through Asian countries.

Now a terrorist country is using the hidden activities it has developed over the years connections in order to achieve a more favorable geopolitical situation for themselves. In particular, the aggressor is interested in the emergence of new conflicts with subsequent migration crises, which only aggravate global stability.

Accordingly, now the entire Russian state relies on the once marginal ideas of Russian fascism an apparatus that serves Putin as a tool for translating these ideas into reality.

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