Home » Due to illegal migration: Estonia and Norway are preparing to close their borders with the Russian Federation

Due to illegal migration: Estonia and Norway are preparing to close their borders with the Russian Federation

by alex

Estonia is considering options for partial or complete closure of checkpoints on the border with Russia.

This was announced by the head of the country's border service, Veiko Kommusaar, writes Postimees.

According to him, the reason for this step was illegal migration. On November 16, in an hour and a half, eight Somali citizens tried to get from the Russian Federation to Estonia without visas, and they passed Russian border guards before the Estonian checkpoint.

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“We are closely monitoring the situation and, if necessary, are ready to prevent any illegal migration.” Depending on the situation at the border, this may mean partial or complete closure of checkpoints, said the head of the Estonian Border Service.

Meanwhile, Norwegian Minister of Justice and Public Security Emily Enger Mehl said that her country is “closely monitoring” the situation on the border between the Russian Federation and Finland and is also ready to close the only checkpoint on the Norwegian-Russian border in Storskogu.

Finland announced the closure of the border with the Russian Federation

The Finnish government has made a proposal to close four checkpoints on the border with Russia from November 18. We are talking about the checkpoints of Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala.

According to Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, Russian border guards are contributing to the creation of a crisis situation by allowing people to reach the border without the necessary documents.

However, applications for international protection will be accepted at the Salla and Vartius border crossings. At other checkpoints that remain open, it will not be possible to apply for asylum.

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