Home ยป Duda voiced the “peace formula” for Ukraine: what is it

Duda voiced the “peace formula” for Ukraine: what is it

by alex

Polish President Andrzej Duda said that there can be only one “peace formula” for Ukraine. In particular, for this, Russia should be held accountable for its war crimes.

According to Duda, this is ordinary justice. He noted that he is thinking like a neighbor of our country, one who has been directly observing this situation for many years. h2>

According to the Polish President, there is only one fair decision to end a full-scale war – Ukraine must return to its internationally recognized borders.

Russia violates international law, war crimes are committed in Ukraine, they are committed by Russians, they are associated with the killing of civilians, deliberate bombing of civilian objects, not military ones: they bombard residential areas, demolish houses, โ€“ Duda emphasized.

He added that everyone had seen the horrifying footage of the latest enemy shelling of the Ukrainian capital.

“This footage is from Kyiv, where Russian missiles are attacking residential buildings or they are being bombed by Russian planes. These are the realities of this war,” the President of Poland added.

According to the leader of Poland , there are 2 main aspects of the world< /strong> , which are elementary justice:

  • The Russian occupying army must withdraw from the Ukrainian lands it has occupied since 2014, and Ukraine must return to its internationally recognized borders.
  • < li> War criminals should be punished. The international community must pursue and hold them accountable, as it is necessary to keep the peace in the future.

“To all those who potentially even question whether they should commit war crimes in the future. They must see that there is punishment,โ€ Duda summed up.

Pay attention! Poland topped the list of countries that financially help Ukrainian refugees after the start of a full-scale invasion. In total, the country spent about 8.36 billion euros on Ukrainians forced to flee from Russian shelling.

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