Home ยป Duda officially instructed Morawiecki to form a new Polish government

Duda officially instructed Morawiecki to form a new Polish government

by alex

Duda instructed Morawiecki to form a government / Collage 24 Channel

On Monday, November 13, Andrzej Duda met with Mateusz Morawiecki. The President of Poland instructed the representative of the ruling Law and Justice party to form a government.

Actually, Mateusz Morawiecki was prime minister during the previous convocation of the Sejm. Now he received from Andrzej Duda the act of appointment of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Government) during a ceremony that took place at the Presidential Palace.

The situation in Poland is interesting

Within 14 days after his appointment , the prime minister elected by the President of Poland must submit a program of action for the government of the Sejm. And along with it – a proposal for a vote of confidence.

And even then the Seimas can pass a vote of confidence with an absolute majority of votes. At least half of the number of deputies established by law must be present.

Please note that Poland has a unique situation. And all because Andrzej Duda delegates the formation of the government to the Law and Justice party. However, she has almost zero chance of receiving a vote of confidence in the Seimas. Note that the party tried to find coalition partners. But all her attempts failed.

Meanwhile , opposition parties have already announced the creation of a coalition. They did this without waiting for the start of the Seimas. Moreover, they also presented the coalition program.

Let us add that most Poles prefer Donald Tusk. In their opinion, this opposition representative is the best candidate to form the new government of Poland.

Parliament met for the first meeting

  • On November 13, the first meeting of the new Seimas also took place. Andrzej Duda addressed the deputies, and after that a senior speaker was elected. It was Marek Sawicki.
  • During the first meeting of the Sejm , Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and his government resigned . Please note that this is a formal procedure. After which Duda gave Morawiecki the authority to create a new government.
  • Let us remind you that according to the official election results, the United Hand of Jaroslaw Kaczynski won in October. True, it has limited opportunities to form a majority to form a government.

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