Home » Drones hit important installations: the attack on the plant in Lipetsk was organized by the SBU and the Main Intelligence Directorate, – media

Drones hit important installations: the attack on the plant in Lipetsk was organized by the SBU and the Main Intelligence Directorate, – media

by alex

The attack on the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant was an operation by the Main Intelligence Directorate and the SBU/Collage 24 Channel

In the city of Lipetsk in Russia on the night of February 24, a powerful fire broke out at the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant. In the end it became known that this was the work of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region and the SBU.

This was reported by sources of several Ukrainian media. This operation was carried out with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles.

The Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant was hit by the State Control Department and the Security Service of Ukraine

As noted by sources of the RBC-Ukraine publication, the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant is one of the largest metallurgical plants in Russia. In particular, the enterprise works for the military-industrial complex and carries out a large number of government orders.

Raw materials from this enterprise are used to manufacture Russian missiles, artillery, drones and the like,” the interlocutors noted.

Already after powerful explosions at the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, a large-scale fire began and the evacuation of all plant personnel. Sources of the publication noted that the SBU and power steering drones hit installations intended for the primary cooling of raw coke oven gas.

The defeat of these facilities, according to sources, will lead to a stop of the entire production process metallurgical plant for a long time.

It is noteworthy that the owner of this metallurgical plant is an oligarch close to the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin – Vladimir Lisin. According to Forbes, this Russian is one of the three richest people in the terrorist country of Russia.

According to preliminary data, the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant also produced raw materials for Russian companies involved in nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.

It is worth noting that the information about the operation of the Main Control and Security Service at the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant from their own sources was also confirmed by the publications NV, LIGA.net and OBOZ.UA.

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