Home » Dramatic changes: how many cases of draft evasion were opened at the beginning of the war and now

Dramatic changes: how many cases of draft evasion were opened at the beginning of the war and now

by alex

How many cases were opened due to draft evasion at the beginning of the war and now/Guard-1

It is interesting that if we compare 2022 with 2015, the number of mobilization evaders in Ukraine has become significantly smaller.


Especially the number of registered productions due to draft evasion decreased significantly in June. There were only 4 new productions that month.

The number of those evading importation to Ukraine has significantly decreased

In the first months of a full-scale war in Ukraine, an average of 198 new criminal proceedings were opened for evading mobilization. In total, law enforcement officers registered 500 productions in the first half of the year. This is almost four times less than in the same period in 2015, when 1,908 cases were opened.

Dramatic changes: how many cases were opened due to draft evasion at the beginning of the war and now

At the same time, the number of deserters has increased

And if the number of mobilization evaders in Ukraine has decreased, the number of deserters has doubled. Thus, in the first half of 2022, the number of proceedings under Article 409 (avoidance of military service by self-mutilation or otherwise) doubled compared to the corresponding period in 2015 (109 against 57).

< p>During the active mobilization of citizens into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which began after February 24, 2022, Ukrainians who sought to evade military service came to the attention of law enforcement officers on several counts:

  • evasion from conscription for mobilization,
  • unauthorized leaving a military unit or place of service,
  • desertion.

But it is worth noting that the number of fans to go AWOL has almost halved since 2015.

Major changes: how many cases due to draft evasion was opened at the beginning of the war and now

Recently, Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar reported that most often the department is complained that people are sent after several days of exercises or without them to the front. The Ministry of Defense obliges the commanders of military units to ensure “high-quality training of reservists and those liable for military service and the completeness of their implementation of the training program.” But as a result, the duration of training is from 7 to 20 days.

But in the event that a mobilized person has not completed even a week of training, then you should call the hotline of the Ministry of Defense:

    < li>0-800-500-410;
  • 0-800-500-442;
  • 044-454-44-99.

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