Home » Draghi, Scholz and Macron arrived in Kyiv: why do Ukrainians shout “zrada”

Draghi, Scholz and Macron arrived in Kyiv: why do Ukrainians shout “zrada”

by alex

Draghi, Scholz and Macron arrived in Kyiv: why Ukrainians shout “zrada”/Office of the President of Ukraine

Draghi, Scholz and Macron together in the Ukrainian train. This is a historical photo. In fact. Ukrainians are dissatisfied with the support of Europe.

Ukrainians in general are constantly dissatisfied. Ukrainian politicians are aware. Now European politicians are also in the know.

And anyway, why are they not in the reserved seat?

Ukrainians shout “zrada”. Macron, they say, inclines us to negotiate with Putin. Macron really said that we are doomed to negotiations with Putin or whoever will be in the Kremlin at that moment in charge. But he said this at the end of the phrase.

And at the beginning it was said that Ukraine must win this war, “We” must help them in this, and then there will still be negotiations.

At the same time, the French even talk about victory, which includes the return of the Crimea. And yes, this needs to be fixed in the negotiations. So, is anyone arguing with this? Or do we expect us to enter the Kremlin and burn down Moscow? And if not, how to end all this without negotiations?

Or should Macron sing the song “Putin – x … lo” and only then will the Ukrainians be satisfied with the president that the French have chosen for themselves? Only then will the channel of diplomatic communication with Putin be cut off.

By the way, if someone thinks that Macron enjoys Putin's calls, then he is greatly mistaken. Macron is forced to spend hours talking with the crazy Kremlin grandfather, whose ten-minute quotes make us tear our hair out and scream.

And Macron listens to this for hours. What is he, a masochist? Maybe you can understand that this is his role. Communicator from the West. In order not to break the connection. So that in the end, when Western aid to Ukraine will help to throw Putin to hell from our land, we could sit down and talk. And there was someone at the table who would moderate this conversation. Or do you want to see Erdogan there, who will write off Crimea for himself along the way?

 Draghi, Scholz and Macron arrived in Kyiv: why do Ukrainians shout

Makron is forced to spend hours talking with Putin/Photo by Getty Images


This is really a strange story. We have always had strong expectations from Germany. And as a country and as a leader of the European Union. And too many statements by the leader of Germany are at odds with the case. But, at the same time, if you look at the statistics of military assistance, the Germans will suddenly find themselves in fourth place. Numbers speak louder than emotions.

Plus, Germany's role as the leader of the European Union is extremely important. And the sanctions that Europe has imposed against Russia already greatly exceed our wildest expectations. Yes, they are below desire. But more expectations.

And Draghi?

The position of Italy is now much more pro-Ukrainian than we could imagine. Yes, Europe gives us few weapons. Yes, and the arms market, an infection, is so complex and specific. All these restrictions on re-export and so on.

But the trouble is that Europe has long lived in a world in which weapons are simply not needed. In which war is impossible in principle. And if anything, there is always the United States and its army. And so there was a demilitarization of Europe. They just really don't have much to give us.

Ukrainians are unhappy. And the Russians? After all, is it logical that if the Ukrainians are unhappy with Macron and Scholz, then the Russians should be happy? After all, Ukrainians think that Scholz and Macron are Putin's great friends, don't they? And the Russians are drastically cutting gas supplies to Germany and France. Right, very sharply.

Right now, when the EU is preparing to give Ukraine candidate status, when Macron, Scholz and Draghi are on the train. Nord Stream flow has decreased by more than 50%. The Germans felt it. The French felt. This is hardly the result of a “pleased Putin.” It is unlikely that the libels of Medvedev, who, without regaining consciousness, writes dirty curses both about Ukraine and Scholz in his telegram, testify to great friendship.

Europe buys Russian gas and oil? Yes, while buying. But for example, the export of Russian gas to countries “not the former USSR” this year fell by 30%. The oil embargo will lead to the fact that oil sales to the EU countries will fall by 10 times by the end of the year. All this, by the way, leads, among other things, to a slowdown in the European economy.

Could the cut be cut more sharply? Yes, probably. If politicians forgot about the interests of their own voters. But then other politicians would be chosen in Europe. And even then, a photo of the leaders of Germany, France and Italy in the Ukrainian train would be an impossible fantasy. The world is simply more complicated than we think…

And yes, Russian propaganda has not gone away. And in Ukraine too. Many cockroaches will still crawl out of their cracks. Some of it has already popped up. And what do you think they will throw all their efforts into? When it will no longer be possible to tell Ukrainians that Russia is good. All the power of Russian propaganda will be directed to the idea of ​​”the West is bad.” Probably shouldn't help them….

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