Home » Donations needed for Ukrainian heroes: artists and stars supported the project Druzi DShV

Donations needed for Ukrainian heroes: artists and stars supported the project Druzi DShV

by alex

Ukrainian artists and celebrities supported the Friends of the Airborne Forces of Ukraine project. Among them are Elena Frolyak, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, Volodymyr Runets, Taras Topolya, Yulia Senik, Oleksandr Shvachka, Tonya Matvienko, Grigoriy Reshetnik, Jerry Heil, Maria Burmaka and others.

Friends of the Airborne Forces of Ukraine is an all-Ukrainian platform where anyone can donate in support of the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukrainian paratroopers will be much better at performing complex combat missions if they have enough electronic warfare systems, drones, spare parts, night vision devices, special engineering equipment and thermal imagers. They plan to purchase them with the collected funds.

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Editor-in-chief, host of ICTV Fakty and the telethon Edini Novyny Elena Frolyak explained why she decided to become a friend of the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

– We want to donate more, support them more systematically. We want to tell more about the heroes. But the DShV Friends project does not mean that we will stop being friends with other units, — said Elena Frolyak.

Musician and leader of the Okean Elzy band Svyatoslav Vakarchuk emphasized that the Airborne Assault Troops are always the first to go into battle and are in the whirlpool of the most important events.

— We can only reach the highest peaks together. Become a friend of DShV and support our heroes with a monthly donation, – said Svyatoslav Vakarchuk.

Special correspondent of the ICTV channel Vladimir Runetsclaims that having reliable friends during war is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to support Ukrainian paratroopers.

The host of the romantic reality show Bachelor on STB Grigoriy Reshetnik also joined the Friends of the DShV project.

According to him, it is possible to help both the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a whole and a specific unit. To do this, you need to select a team from the list and send a donation.

The lead singer of the band Antytila ​​Taras Topolya believes that Ukrainians are capable of incredible results when they unite to defend the country and support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

— Support the guys and girls doing combat work with a monthly donation, — said Taras Topolya.

The host of the Fakty ICTV program and the Edini Novyny telethon Yulia Senik also could not stand aside, so she called for financial support for the Ukrainian paratroopers in order to defeat the enemy.

A military man, veteran and host of the Ranok u velykomu mіsti program on ICTV2 Alexander Shvachka is convinced that our enemy still has not realized that he is fighting not with the Defense Forces, but with an entire nation — Ukrainians.

– Prove it with a monthly donation! Support the Airborne Assault Troops, – said Alexander Shvachka.

Singer Tonya Matvienko has already become a friend of the Airborne Assault Troops. She distributed a musical video message in which she performed an excerpt from the song: Pour, brother, crystal cups.

— So that they don't take the bastards, so that the swords pass your heads, — sang Tonya Matvienko, calling for donations for the needs of Ukrainian soldiers through the Friends of the DShV project.

The singer and representative at Eurovision 2024 Jerry Heil is convinced that every conscientious citizen must take responsibility for their country. The least we can do is send a donation to our paratroopers.

Singer Maria Burmaka believes that every hryvnia is important because it helps the Ukrainian military defend the country from Russian occupiers.

— Victory will be with us against the enemy horde, Ukraine will be strong in our hearts forever, — Maria Burmaka quoted her song.

The pop-rock singer, participant of the national selections for Eurovision 2022 and Eurovision 2023 Sowa (Diana Gorbyak), has joined the ranks of DShV friends.

The artist noted that thanks to the all-Ukrainian platform Friends of the DShV, everyone can donate to the needs of the paratroopers without any worries.


People's Artist of Ukraine, actress, TV presenter Olga Sumskaya also called on Ukrainians to support our defenders with a monthly donation.


Host of the program Morning in the Big City on ICTV2 Yulia Zoriy I am convinced that we can only win together.

For this, in particular, it is necessary to constantly support our defenders who are defending the country on the front lines.


The host of the program Morning in the Big City on ICTV2 Alexander Shvachka visited the ICTV Fakty talk studio.

On the live broadcast of the telethon Edini Novyny, he talked with host Yana Brenza about the DShV Friends project, which Alexander joined as one of first.

Also, the host of ICTV Facts and the telethon Edini Novyny Oksana Gutsayt joined the Friends of the Airborne Forces project to support the Ukrainian Airborne Assault Troops.

— Become a friend of DShV and support our heroes through the DShV Friends platform. On the platform, you can choose the unit to which you will transfer money. You can choose the amount you will transfer monthly. From 500 UAH — gifts and merch with symbols have been prepared for you. So let's help together, become friends of DShV! — said Gutzeit.


On August 30, another star appeared in the large community of DShV friends.

They were joined by the host of the project Pozivniy Nadiya and the Incredible Truth about the Stars on STB Nadezhda Matveeva.

The presenter appealed to her subscribers with a call to join her in supporting the project Friends of DSHU.


Theater and film actor, star of the series Catch Kaidash on STB and Naval Police. Chernomorsk on the ICTV2 TV channel Grigoriy Baklanov now also proudly calls himself a friend of the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Baklanov supported the all-Ukrainian platform for raising funds for the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


The host of Vikna-novina on STB and a representative of the press service of the 79th separate airborne assault Tavricheskaya brigade Orest Drymalovsky spoke about the needs of the military and named the stars he wanted would like to see in the community of friends of DShV.

The serviceman noted that his brigade, currently defending Ukraine in the Kurakhiv direction, has many needs. However, they can be met through joint efforts thanks to the all-Ukrainian platform Friends of the DShV.

The host of the Fakty ICTV program and the telethon Edini Novyny Andriy Kovalsky has joined the ranks of Friends of the DShV.

The star community, which has united around the all-Ukrainian platform, calls on everyone to join in helping our paratroopers.


Also, theater and film actor and star of the series Uchastkovy iz DVRZ on the ICTV2 channel Vitaly Ivanchenko joined the community of friends of DShV.


Host of the project Couple for a Million, actor of the series Zv’yazok on Novyi Kanal Roman Misheryakov joined the star community of friends of DShV.

He told subscribers about the project to support Ukrainian paratroopers and explained how they can join it.

Actress of cinema and the Drama and Comedy Theater on the left bank of the Dnieper, as well as the series “District Officer with DVRZ” on the ICTV2 channel Polina Vasilisa supported the DShV Friends project.

She told in detail how everyone can join the support of the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The actress added that gifts are provided for monthly donations — this is merch from Ukrainian paratroopers.


Another addition has appeared in the star community of friends of the DShV. They were joined by a theater and film actress, a volunteer and a star of the series Naval Police. Chernomorsk on the ICTV2 channel Anastasia Tsimbalaru.

The actress noted that it is becoming increasingly difficult to close the training camps, but only together can we win.

Therefore, the situation on the front line depends not only on our defenders, but also on the rear, which can support the front financially.


Another friend of DShV was the host of the Fakty ICTV program Vyacheslav Tsymbalyuk.

He called on Ukrainians to participate in the project to support the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The lead singer of the Karta svitu group, performer of the hit Who Holds This Area? Patron the Dog! Ivan Marunich became a friend of the DShV and emphasized what kind of monthly subscription every Ukrainian should take out.

— Donation — is the least that citizens of Ukraine can do to help our army. Therefore, become a friend of the DShV, subscribe to the platform. Glory to Ukraine! — Ivan addressed his fans.


Actor Diesel Show on the ICTV2 channel, host, screenwriter and producer Dmitry Tankovichalso joined the Friends of DShV project.

Dmitry addressed his subscribers directly from the set. He called for participation in the Friends of the Airborne Forces project and showed a QR code that can be used to make a donation.


The host of the Morning in the Big City program on ICTV2 Yulia Zoriy said that in the conditions of a major war, one cannot remain on the sidelines of helping the army.

Especially since the Airborne Assault Troops always go first against the enemy.

Showman, host, participant Variations of the show on the New Channel Vladimir Zhoglo joined the project DShV Friends and showed how anyone can donate to the needs of the Airborne Assault Troops.

The host noted that Ukrainians can defeat the aggressor country Russia only by uniting. That is why everyone needs to donate to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and this can be done through the all-Ukrainian platform Druzi DShV.


Druzi DShV

Druzi DShV is a site where everyone can donate to the needs of the Airborne Assault Troops.

The project was created for reliable and long-term support of Ukrainian soldiers who will effectively carry out combat missions, having the necessary electronic warfare systems, drones, etc. weapons.

Also, by your own example you can show that the Ukrainian army is strong and motivated warriors.

To join the Airborne Assault Forces, you need to leave an application on the website and undergo preliminary training.

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