Home » Donald Trump promised not to withdraw the United States from NATO: under what conditions

Donald Trump promised not to withdraw the United States from NATO: under what conditions

by alex

Trump named a condition under which he will not will withdraw the US from NATO/Channel 24 Collage (photo by Getty Images and from open sources)

US presidential candidate Donald Trump made a new statement regarding the possible US withdrawal from NATO. The ex-president of the United States promised not to withdraw the country from the North Atlantic Alliance on one condition. remain in NATO under his leadership as long as European countries “play fair.” There is talk about partner countries paying their shares in the Alliance.

Trump will not withdraw the US from NATO if countries pay

In a recent GB News interview with former Brexiteer Nigel Farage, Donald Trump reaffirmed his commitment to the Alliance. However, he warned European countries against misusing American aid.

NATO must treat the US fairly. Because if it weren’t for the United States, the Alliance literally wouldn’t exist,” Trump said.

When asked by a journalist whether the United States, under his presidency, would come to the aid of NATO countries if they would be attacked, Trump responded in the affirmative. .

Nigel Farage also asked whether America would support its allies if European countries “started playing fair.” The Republican presidential candidate answered this question positively, indicating his willingness to support European allies.

Former US President thought to withdraw the country from NATO

  • In a statement, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton warned that if former President Donald Trump is re-elected, he may decide to withdraw the United States from NATO. Bolton dismissed criticism of Trump's intentions as a “mistake” and noted the seriousness of the potential decision.
  • A former Trump adviser said the former US leader considered leaving NATO during his previous term . However, in the end, he decided against it after receiving advice not to do so.
  • Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also reacted to the possible US withdrawal from NATO. He suggested that the United States would remain in the North Atlantic Alliance, because this was also in the country's national interests.

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