Home » Does Russia have a weapon that will become a competitor to HIMARS: the answer of a military expert

Does Russia have a weapon that will become a competitor to HIMARS: the answer of a military expert

by alex

Musienko told if Russia has an alternative to HIMARS/Collage 24 channel

HIMARS rocket artillery systems scare the occupiers. After all, the enemy cannot reach with his systems “Smerch” and “Hurricane” in response.


Although Russia has a quantitative advantage in artillery, it does not have any rocket systems like HIMARS at its disposal. Alexander Musienko, head of the Center for Military Legal Research, told Channel 24 about this.

Russia has no alternative to HIMARS

Musienko said that HIMARS is a relatively new rocket artillery system adopted by the United States. At the same time, Russia did not develop new rocket artillery, but only relied on the repair and modernization of well-known systems such as Grad, Uragan and Smerch.

Alexander Musienko recalled that Russia tried some it's time to upgrade their missiles to Smerch and make them with satellite guidance systems, however, they never managed to make an analogue of such a missile.

They say that they have such weapons, that they also have missiles flying along complex trajectories and are difficult to see for counter-battery systems, but this is not true. They do not have the missiles that HIMARS have,” the expert emphasized.

Musienko on the true goals of the Kremlin in the South and weapons to strengthen the Armed Forces of Ukraine: watch the video

HIMARS in Ukraine: latest news

  • On July 23, Adam Smith, head of the US House Armed Forces Committee, spoke about plans for military assistance to Ukraine, in particular, the provision of HIMARS and MLRS installations. According to him, the partners are striving to reach the figure of 25 or 30 systems, as well as to provide as many missiles for them as possible.
  • The United States is providing another $175 million in military assistance to Ukraine. 4 more HIMARS systems are heading towards us. After receiving this assistance, Ukraine will have 16 such artillery systems. Also, as part of the assistance, our state will receive 580 Phoenix Ghost tactical drones, 4 command and control vehicles, anti-tank weapons and ammunition.
  • HIMARS entails panic in the aggressor country and in the ranks of its troops. Even Kremlin propagandists admit that these artillery systems can change the course of the war. That is why the Russian Defense Ministry is spreading fake information about the destruction of HIMARS in Ukraine.
  • Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that 50 Russian ammunition depots have already taken off with the help of these artillery systems. Previously, the effectiveness of HIMARS was confirmed even by NASA.

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