Home » Diseases absolutely incompatible with coronavirus vaccination named

Diseases absolutely incompatible with coronavirus vaccination named

by alex

Doctor-immunologist Vladislav Zhemchugov named diseases, the presence of which is an absolute contraindication for vaccination against coronavirus. He told about this to “Evening Moscow”.

In particular, the ban applies to patients who take immunosuppressive drugs – for example, for cancer. “It turns out that on the one hand there is an indication, and on the other, on the contrary, there is a contraindication,” he said, noting that in any case, only the patient's doctor can issue a permit for vaccination.

In addition, the immunologist attributed inflammatory, autoimmune diseases, lupus erythematosus and systemic blood diseases to an absolute contraindication to vaccination against COVID-19.

Earlier, George Mason University professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova said that the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine is not a final decision. “The immunity that occurs after a vaccine is comparable to the immunity that occurs with a natural infection. And to effectively fight the coronavirus, we need immunity that exceeds it, ”the specialist explained.

On August 11, President Vladimir Putin announced the registration of the world's first coronavirus vaccine in Russia, and Sputnik V was launched on August 15. The first will be vaccinated by doctors and citizens from risk groups, and around the middle of September will begin mass vaccination of Russians. Putin also announced a second vaccine from the Vector Center in September. It is assumed that the drug will provide the required level of antibodies for at least one epidemic season, but accurate conclusions can be drawn only after the completion of the studies.

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