Home ยป Different theories dominate in the West, – the expert explained whether the world is afraid of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Different theories dominate in the West, – the expert explained whether the world is afraid of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

by alex

Musienko on arms supplies/Channel 24 collage

Experts discuss the theory that the West does not want to provide weapons for the UAF counteroffensive. In their opinion, countries are afraid of this because they do not know how Russia will react to defeat. Therefore, many discussions reign.

Alexander Musienko, a military expert and head of the Center for Military Legal Research, spoke about this. He says that there have been many discussions in the West about what Russia can do if it loses.

According to the expert, some countries even say that The Kremlin can use tactical nuclear weapons .

“And this is what Russia needs – fear. In fact, Russia has always lived by being feared, and it continues do it. She intimidates everyone,” Musienko said.

He believes that this is one of the reasons why the situation on the eve of a full-scale invasion was not assessed.

Everyone thought that Ukraine would be quickly captured and fall. Western countries lived under the illusion that Russia was a great power with a big army. And Ukraine has fewer weapons, so it cannot win. And since Russia also has nuclear weapons, they must be reckoned with,โ€ Musienko said.

But, in his opinion, when we demonstrated how we can fight and fight back, other statements, in particular from the British and Americans.

“They say that approximately 30% of Russian equipment has already been destroyed in almost 4 months of the war. This is what an indicator. And if they give us weapons and help us go on the counteroffensive, then more than 50% of Russian equipment will be destroyed by winter “, – assured the expert. .

Musiyenko says the world understands that Ukraine can succeed in the war.

But in the West different theories really dominate, and they say that you need to be careful about this, because “we don't know what Russia can do.” This paradigm will gradually change. We already hear, for example, from Britain that Ukraine has won, – he said

The expert says that the information position of the West is changing when it sees negative reviews against the background of the visit of European leaders to Kyiv. According to Musienko, Reuters has already published the position of the President of France that he is allegedly interested in the victory of Ukraine.

“But there is one more position, besides the political one, it lies in the technical component – we need to master the NATO-style weapons that Ukraine is now receiving. This is also one of the reasons why the counteroffensive is being hampered,” the expert noted.

Can this indicate that Ukraine will join NATO in the future? According to the expert, Ukrainians will master NATO standards and switch to them.

That is, we will emerge from the technical component of this war as a country that, in terms of defense and security, fully meets the criteria for NATO membership. Only political and economic components remain,โ€ Musienko replied.

By the way, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov stressed that weapons from NATO countries, in particular from the United States, would help Ukraine return the occupied by Russia territories – Crimea and Donbass. But this will not happen as quickly as we would like.

According to him, Ukraine already has a plan to win this war:

  • The first step will be to stabilize the situation on the ground in order to prevent further UAF losses.
  • The second step is necessary in order to push the Russian troops back to their positions before the February 24th invasion.
  • The sacking of Crimea will be discussed only at the third stage, and Western allies will be involved in this process.

Let's add that earlier Russia had a panic – they fear that Ukraine will attack their territory. About this, State Department Speaker Ned Price stressed that Ukraine has the right to decide independently how to use weapons – solely for the purpose of defense.

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