Home » Did Putin persuade Macron and Scholz to shed the feathers of the doves of peace?

Did Putin persuade Macron and Scholz to shed the feathers of the doves of peace?

by alex

Macron and Scholz saw with their own eyes the consequences of Russia's war crimes in Ukraine/ITV

Regarding the arrival of Macron, Scholz and Draghi, first of all, it should be noted that in recent years there have been no such joint visits of the leaders of the three G7 countries at once. Therefore, this is a truly extraordinary event. Read more in the exclusive blog for the Channel 24 website.

A historic visit with two “buts”

And if we add to this the fact that the visit is taking place during a full-scale Russian intervention in Ukraine, then this trip has every chance of becoming historic. But in order for it to become historical, it is necessary, so to speak, to overcome two “buts” and find out how they are.

It will become historic if the Europeans today, at a meeting with Zelensky, assure us of their support: firstly, Ukraine's candidacy for the EU, and secondly, if they do not drag us into the trap of surrendering territories in exchange for some there. shaky peace with the Russians. We don't believe in it, and we definitely won't go for it.

We won't give up our own

I really hope that after dozens of, perhaps quite unequivocal statements by President Zelensky about the fact that any concessions to the Russians are unacceptable, we do not trade in territory, we do not surrender our military, we do not play undercover games with the Russians. These statements have been made almost weekly for the past few months.

Scholz and Macron, I really hope, will once again not step on the rake and stop playing the role of doves of peace where it is possible only through the military victory of Ukraine. And we just made sure of it.

The duet of Putin and Medvedev started the old song

The next point is that Putin (if he is still conscious) has already reacted to the arrival of the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, Romania with this morning's launch of missiles and air raids throughout Ukraine.

The reaction of the understudy is no less eloquent Putin, and part-time graphomaniac Medvedev, who has already managed to scribble several texts with images addressed to the French, Germans, and Italians, calling them “connoisseurs of frogs, liver and pasta.”

Well, in the current conditions, it would be difficult to find a better way to immediately strengthen the Europeans in Russia and everything connected with it. Therefore, Medvedev plays into our hands, for which he is to be praised and we need to give some other award from Ukraine.

Fateful June

The second half of June promises to be very hot for events and, perhaps, fateful decisions for Ukraine. I am now talking about the promised deliveries of HIMARS to Ukraine, which are critical for Ukraine's counteroffensive actions and the destruction of Russian infrastructure facilities. And howitzers and other weapons from Western partners.

We are also talking about the possible receipt by Ukraine of the status of a candidate for EU membership, about the NATO summit, participation in which Zelensky confirmed. And, probably, we still do not leave hope that the rumors about a possible aggravation of Putin's illness are not rumors, but reality.

However, we can find out whether this is fiction or not tomorrow, when a bunker inhabitant is scheduled to speak at a forum in St. Petersburg .

Therefore, let's hope that he does not appear there, and this will give us even more suspicions and opinions about what is happening to him.

But at the same time, we have our own we need to step up, we need to keep up the momentum, we need to continue to be unambiguously persuasive in dealing with our partners.

I really hope that today's meeting will be truly fateful for Ukraine, and we will have another opportunity to be proud of our country, which has managed to become almost the final candidate for EU membership.

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