Home » Details for paying taxes 2024: what is known about the changes

Details for paying taxes 2024: what is known about the changes

by alex

From January 1, 2024, budget accounts for paying taxes have changed. What are the details now for paying taxes in Ukraine in 2024 — read the material on Facts ICTV.

Details of budget accounts for paying taxes 2024

From January 1, 2024, some details of budget accounts by payment codes have changed in accordance with the order of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine (GKSU) No. 324 dated December 25, 2023.

In 2024, the details for paying taxes were changed to:

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  • 14020800 — excise tax on vehicles;
  • 19011000 — environmental tax for emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmospheric air by stationary sources of pollution;
  • 21010500 — income (dividends) accrued on shares (shares) of business companies whose authorized capitals include state property.

Accounts for KKDB (budget income classification code) were excluded — 14020601, 14030601, 14060800, 14060500, 14060900, 14061000, 14061100.

All other accounts remained unchanged. You can view the latest information in your e-office in the Status of settlements with the budget.

You can view the current details of budget accounts for paying taxes for all regions and in the city of Kyiv in 2024 on the website of the State Tax Service of Ukraine by following the link.

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