Home » Destructive tornadoes are raging in the USA: hundreds of houses are destroyed, there are casualties

Destructive tornadoes are raging in the USA: hundreds of houses are destroyed, there are casualties

by alex

Brief version of the news

  • Devastating tornadoes raged in the states of Nebraska, Texas and Iowa, leading to the destruction of hundreds of homes and numerous casualties.
  • The hardest hit areas were Omaha and Pottawattam, with hundreds of buildings and infrastructure damaged and casualties.
  • Meteorologists warn of continued severe weather and the possibility of new tornadoes in the cities of Oklahoma City, Kansas City, Dallas, Milwaukee, Chicago and Austin.

Tornados are raging in the USA/Collage 24 Channel (illustrative photo)

Destructive tornadoes are raging in the US states of Nebraska, Texas and Iowa. Meteorologists say the weather peaked on April 27, but tornado-producing storms will continue into Sunday, April 28.

Warnings have been issued in states from Michigan to Texas. According to rescuers, this year the warning systems worked perfectly, so they managed to avoid a large number of victims.

Tornadoes caused trouble in the USA

Amaha in Nebraska and Pottawattam in Iowa are considered the most affected regions. Here, as a result of the natural disaster, several casualties were recorded, and hundreds of buildings and city infrastructure were damaged.

In Pottawattam, four were damaged. About 120 residential buildings there were damaged and business operations were disrupted. Two people were injured in Omas.

Destructive tornado in the USA: watch video

In Lincoln, Nebraska, the wind was so strong that it tore roofs off houses. Also, part of I-80 was blocked by overturned cars. It is known that near the town of Waverly, a tornado pushed several train cars off the rails.

The tornado caused trouble on the railroad: watch the video

Where new tornadoes are expected

Meteorologists warn that the main hazards associated with the current severe weather include thunderstorms, high wind gusts, large hail and potential tornadoes. They are predicted in the cities of Oklahoma City, Kansas City, Dallas, Milwaukee, Chicago and Austin.

According to rescuers, a significant number of victims have been avoided this year, because warning systems worked perfectly.

How tornadoes form

Tornado formation begins when hot and moist air from the lower layers of the atmosphere mix with cold air higher up.

This combination creates unstable conditions, leading to the formation of a funnel that descends from the thundercloud to the ground.

Other natural disasters

  • Dust clouds from the Sahara desert covered Greece, especially its capital, Athens. This led to a significant decrease in visibility, a change in the color of the sky to orange and an increase in the concentration of hard pollutants in the air.
  • It is also known that more and more territories in Russia are going under water. In particular, the flood has already reached Moscow. Bad weather has so engulfed the Russian capital that cars are literally floating there.
  • Earlier, there was a flood in Kazakhstan that flooded 8 cattle burial grounds in different regions and 14 anthrax burial grounds in one of the regions. This flood is the largest in Kazakhstan in 80 years.

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