Home » Despite the shutdown, electricity bills have not changed much: the oblenergo explained why

Despite the shutdown, electricity bills have not changed much: the oblenergo explained why

by alex

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Ukrainians' electricity bills have hardly changed despite the blackout. The regional energy authorities claim that the decrease in electricity consumption was insignificant.

Electricity consumption has decreased by only 10 to 20 percent since the outages began. They named several reasons.

Why bills have not decreased

  1. Ukrainians use electricity to the maximum when there is light. In particular, they turn on all energy-consuming appliances, despite the requests of power engineers to reduce consumption.
  2. Moreover, some energy-consuming appliances, in particular boilers and refrigerators, consume more electrical energy in the first hours after restoration than in a stable operating mode.
  3. Due to the cold and low temperatures, people warm up the room with electric heaters when electricity is supplied.
  4. Significant electricity costs are caused by batteries left for charging at night or other alternative powerful power sources , as well as lights, power banks.

Consequently, the total amount of electricity consumption has changed. Accordingly, the size of the bills has not changed.

How to save money

To help the energy system of Ukraine and receive smaller bills, regional energy companies are asked not to use powerful energy appliances.

Especially, this should not be done immediately after the power supply, as well as during peak hours, that is, in the morning (7:00 – 11:00) and in the evening (17:00 – 23:00).

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