Home » Definitely something should stall there, – Kim ridiculed the parade in Moscow

Definitely something should stall there, – Kim ridiculed the parade in Moscow

by alex

Kim ridiculed the parade in Moscow/Channel 24 Collage

Today, May 9th, there is a miserable military parade in Russia. The country pulled off the remnants of its technology to demonstrate imaginary “power”.

Kim ridiculed the parade in Moscow

The head of the Nikolaev military administration, Vitaly Kim, could not remain silent and spoke out about this. He once again ridiculed the Russians. Kim posted a response video in his telegram.

There is a shameful “victory parade” in Russia. Surely something must stall in their Red Square. Without this, it probably won’t work for sure,” Kim joked.

Vitaly Kim’s new appeal: watch the video

A shameful military parade is taking place in Moscow

The Kremlin has nothing to boast of this year. Putin's plans for a three-day seizure of Ukraine have failed utterly, and his army continues to suffer considerable losses.

So, much less equipment was driven to the parade in 2022 than in the past. There are neither heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1A “Solntsepek”, nor machines of the engineering remote mining system “Slowdown”, nor the anti-aircraft complex “Pantsir-S”. After all, all these weapons are now in Ukraine. Our fighters have already turned a significant part into scrap metal.

Less on the parade and the military. After all, more than 25.6 thousand died in Ukraine, thousands more were injured. Therefore, Putin has fewer fighters this year.

Parade without aircraft

In order to impress people with something, the “highlight” of Putin's parade should be the Il-80 air command post, which is called an airplane “doomsday”. Thus, Putin wanted to send a signal to the West and once again remind him that he has nuclear weapons. However, this is not meant to be. The air part of the parade was canceled due to alleged “bad weather”. But we know what it is!

Interesting! The Russian authorities do not say how much budget money was allocated for the “show”. However, the Russian media write that the announcer's services alone cost 500 thousand rubles, and the symbols, in particular, Gergeev's ribbons, flags, balloons and propaganda brochures, cost 68 million rubles.

See also: Volodymyr Zelenskyy's address to Ukrainians on May 9: video

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