Home » Defense manufacturers in Russia are warned about the dangers of Russian programs

Defense manufacturers in Russia are warned about the dangers of Russian programs

by alex

Kaspersky products are dangerous to use/Kaspersky Lab

The so-called import substitution in Russia has reached the point where they do not have much confidence in the computer programs that are produced there. And they say that they have dangerous vulnerabilities.

The Federal Service for Technical Export Control sent out letters to enterprises of the military-industrial complex. They have a warning about the dangers of using anti-virus programs developed in Russia.

The main danger is associated with the use of Russian-made software products by state bodies. First of all, Kaspersky anti-virus programs: Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Total Security and others.

Analysis of information security threats indicates that “foreign hacker groups, when implementing computer attacks on the information structure of Russia, are actively exploited software vulnerabilities”.

It turned out that the use of these programs leads to the interception of computer control, information leakage, the possibility of installing and executing third-party program code, etc.

The level of danger associated with their use is estimated from “medium” to “critical”.

Kaspersky Lab and the Russian FSB

It should be noted that the West is quite critical of Kaspersky Lab “, The company was repeatedly accused of close cooperation with the FSB.

The founder of the companies, Evgeny Kaspersky, graduated from the Mathematics Department of the Higher School of the KGB during the USSR. After that, one of the scientific institutes of the Ministry of Defense went to work.

The company employs many people from the Russian security forces – the Ministry of Defense, the FSB or the police.

Kaspersky Lab products are prohibited from being used on equipment in state institutions Ukraine and USA. In Ukraine, the ban has been in effect since 2015. In the United States – since 2017.

Before that, a scandal erupted in the United States that Russian hackers could gain access to classified data of the National Security Agency. This happened after one of the NSA agents downloaded secret data and worked with them on a home computer on which Kaspersky Anti-Virus was installed.

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