Home » “Crimea is not a sandwich” and “incomprehensible minced meat”: Navalny’s scandalous statements about Ukraine

“Crimea is not a sandwich” and “incomprehensible minced meat”: Navalny’s scandalous statements about Ukraine

by alex

Navalny said a lot about Ukraine/Collage 24 Channel

Alexei Navalny, who died in a Russian colony on February 16, is by no means a sacred person. And although he called himself a Russian oppositionist, his statements about Ukraine were sometimes quite imperial. That is, in the spirit of the same Vladimir Putin.

Editorial 24 ChannelsI decided to refresh my own memory, and also remind you why Alexei Navalny is far from white and fluffy. And why his attempts to call himself a Russian oppositionist smacked of hypocrisy and a desire to please everyone around him. In particular, this was very clearly observed in statements that related to Ukraine.

Crimea is not a sandwich, – Navalny

Let's start with his most popular statement, which clearly demonstrated that Navalny was not any kind of Russian oppositionist. Back in 2014, he noted that if he had managed to become president of Russia, then he would not have returned control of the Crimea peninsula to Ukraine.

And although he admitted that the Russians occupied the peninsula, and that it was “a blatant violation of all international norms”, this did not stop him from the phrase about “sandwich”, which took off the masks.

Crimea is a sandwich with sausage, or what, to return it back and forth ? – he emphasized in the interview.

Then he stated that Crimea supposedly belongs to those people who live in Crimea. And he noted that “Crimea will remain part of Russia and will never again become part of Ukraine in the foreseeable future.”

At the same time, he repeated another traditional Kremlin narrative. It is said that Russians and Ukrainians are supposedly “one people”. It’s interesting that here he tried to justify himself. Like, he understands that for many in Ukraine such words can be offensive.

Only by the example of Crimea can one see that Navalny, with his statements, sought to please both his audience and a little ” take a bite” – from Putin.

Called for a “fair” referendum in Crimea

< p>On the issue of Crimea, Navalny apparently felt like a real expert. He stated that this issue could not be resolved quickly. First, he issued a statement about “minced meat”, and a few years later he called for a “fair” referendum on the peninsula.

There are two million people there with Russian passports. That is, some kind of incomprehensible stuffing. You can't turn this mince back. Therefore, there is no simple solution to the Crimean problem,” he noted in an interview a few years later.

A few years later, he stated that there were more people with Russian passports in Crimea. And even then he emphasized the need to hold another referendum. They say that he should be “honest”.

“Now there are 3 million Russian citizens there, they have passports, and just like that, just snap your finger and say – give it up… The first and only thing you can start doing (to resolve the issue of Crimea – 24 Channel) is to hold an honest referendum with a long period of preparation, where both Ukraine and the Crimean Tatars, that is, all interested parties, will be able to campaign for a long time. Then we hold a referendum. Based on the results of this referendum, decisions can be made,” Navalny said.

Interestingly, in his future interviews, Navalny, who used the theme of Crimea in his 2018 election campaign, tried to disavow the “sandwich” statement. He insisted that the corresponding metaphor was not the most successful. And that, supposedly, she has been following him since 2014.

At the same time, he stated that the problem of the Crimean peninsula “will not be solved by any President Putin, nor President Navalny.”

We will all suffer for a long time, the residents of Crimea will suffer, investments in Crimea will not flow. “I will answer this question for many, many, many years while I am involved in politics, but no prospects are visible,” he said.

Navalny about the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

Alexey Navalny did not ignore the creation of the independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine in December 2018. With his words, he once again demonstrated that there was hardly a word in him from the oppositionist.

The politician did not recognize the right of our state to church independence. Instead, he took it upon himself to attack Vladimir Putin. Like, the Russian president failed to maintain the influence of the aggressor country on Ukraine.

What took centuries to create was destroyed by Putin and his idiots in four years. “Putin is the enemy of the Russian world,” Navalny emphasized in his Twitter. He noted that Russia supposedly needs to “give Ukraine peace and give it the opportunity to develop the way its people want.”

Allegedly called for a stop to aggression

On the eve of the first anniversary of the full-scale invasion, Alexey Navalny described 15 principles of his political platform. In them, he called on Putin to stop the big war unleashed against Ukraine.

The politician criticized Putin for imagining himself to be a “gatherer of lands.” And that he seeks to make all Russian citizens accomplices.

Putin unleashed an unjust aggressive war against Ukraine under meaningless pretexts, he noted.

Navalny also publicly called to stop the aggression, to end the war and withdraw the troops of the aggressor country from the territory of Ukraine. He stated that the continuation of the war is “like a hysteria of powerlessness, and stopping it is a strong move.”

“What are the borders of Ukraine? The same as those of Russia – internationally recognized, defined in 1991. We, Russia, also recognized them then. Russia must recognize these borders now. There is nothing to discuss here,” he said.

Alexey Navalny I've said a lot over the years, in particular about Ukraine. And what he said about our state clearly demonstrated his imperial ambitions. As they say: Russian opposition ends on the issue of Crimea. And Alexey Navalny is a clear confirmation of this.

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