Home » Creates an illusion: what is hidden behind the “huge percentage” of Putin’s support

Creates an illusion: what is hidden behind the “huge percentage” of Putin’s support

by alex

According to the results of the so-called Russian presidential elections, Vladimir Putin allegedly received enormous support from Russians. He “defeated” all other candidates with a percentage of 87.29.

Putin, according to ISW analysts, “drew “record numbers in order to consolidate popular support for the further implementation of their imperial plans, in particular, the continuation of the war in Ukraine. According to political strategist Boris Tizenhausen, which he shared with 24 Channel, the head of the Kremlin also wanted to prove to the West with these “amazing results” of the elections that he is a legitimate president and can do anything on behalf of the Russians.

Received carte blanche

The political strategist drew attention to the fact that according to the results of the “elections” in the occupied territories of Ukraine, Putin was “drawn” a higher percentage of support than in Russia.

This is a message to the West. Like, Putin said that he came to “save” those who live in the occupied territories, so they voted for him in such large numbers,” he explained.

Also, supposedly high support from Russians gives Putin, according to Tiesenhausen, a mandate for everything he does. This means that he is “doing everything right,” and the citizens of Russia allegedly gave him carte blanche to fight further.

Putin creates the illusion that he is a continuation of the opinion of Russians, the political strategist emphasized.

At the same time, some European officials believe that there is no need to impose sanctions against Russians – they say, “they should not suffer.” If you believe the numbers that were “drawn” based on the election results, a large number of Russians – this is the “collective Putin” .

“Although the percentage of support was “drawn”, there were many videos of happy Russians coming to the polling stations to “vote for Putin”. If they are “for Putin”, they must realize that because of the sanctions they will not receive medicine , and prices in stores will rise. Then let's see how long they last have enough patience to “support Putin”,” noted Boris Tizenhausen.

The weakest position

Today Putin is in the weakest position of his entire reign: Russia from an equal partner China turned into his vassal.

“Therefore, Putin needed to compensate for his geopolitical weakness with supposedly great support from the Russians,” noted the political strategist.

More about the results of the so-called presidential “elections” in Russia

  • The American Institute for the Study of War noted that Putin wants to use the amazing support of Russians in the “elections” to “create information prerequisites for a protracted war in Ukraine.” These results demonstrate the unity of Russia and trust in Putin and his actions.
  • Having received a “victory” in the “elections”, the head of the Kremlin, according to analysts, will continue to create an information background for justifying the long war and occupation of Ukraine “under the guise of 'protecting' civilians in occupied Ukraine who are threatened only by Russian invasion.”
  • At the same time, in areas in some major European cities, Putin did not receive voter support. He was surpassed by his competitor – Vice-Speaker of the State Duma, member of the New People party Vladislav Davankov. He received more than half the votes in Warsaw (51.01%), Prague (59.89%) and The Hague (56.88%). Davankov also won in Vilnius (39.22% against Putin’s 29.74%) and in Haifa (40.82% against Putin’s 33.93%). In addition, he became the first to support Russians in voting in Yerevan.

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