Home » Crazy gebnya wants to deprive us of what we have never seen

Crazy gebnya wants to deprive us of what we have never seen

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc90="" class="news-annotation">Even in my comments there are people who are unhappy that they are not on schedule. Meanwhile, bloodthirsty Russians are spreading the message “we'll bomb them into the stone age, force them to negotiate” around the world.


Then that our country exists is a miracle (glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the government, Western partners and everyone who continues to resist).

The fact that after massive attacks on both oil refineries and oil depots, the loss of 70%+ of imports and the blockade of ports, the industry was able to reorganize in a few months and fuel appeared at gas stations without queues – this is a miracle (glory to the industry and the government too).

< p>The fact that our farmers were able to sow, grow, harvest and export crops is a miracle.

It's a miracle that after taking over Europe's largest nuclear power plant, several hydro and thermal facilities, a greater proportion of wind and solar power plants, and the recent shock and awe event, we still have electricity at least somewhere, it's a miracle.

Especially considering that vile zombies shoot once, and a little later – the second time. When you come in to sort out the rubble and repair, you cannot know if you will ever see your child again. But anyway, come in, who, if not you.

Those who go through the fire

What Ukraine is going through now, no what measures is not normal. It is impossible to endure, but Ukrainians endure. It's complicated. Anger and impotence and fear are normal human reactions.

Please remember that our enemy is behind the curb. Infrastructure and utilities are signs of civilization that the crazed gebna wants to deprive us of. We are lucky that we have people who are ready to lay down their lives so that the gebne does not break off.

Everyone is working at the limit of their capabilities, beyond their capabilities. A little patience, let Pitun talk to himself in the bunker.

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