Home » Countries lined up for the vaccine against coronavirus

Countries lined up for the vaccine against coronavirus

by alex

USA, UK, European Union and Japan have reserved the 1.3 billion doses of vaccines against coronavirus despite the fact that the current formula has not yet been created. This writes Bloomberg with reference to the research company Airfinity.

It is alleged that the US and Britain agreed with the companies Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Japan signed an agreement with Pfizer. According to the Agency, the EU also “aggressive” are committed to this issue, planning the first to buy the required number of doses of the drug.

Analysts have expressed concern that doses are not enough for 7.8 billion, and other, less rich countries will be “last in line” to receiving the vaccine. Another obstacle to rapid global immunization is that to develop immunity is likely to require not one, but two doses.

Bloomberg reminded that the world is faced with a similar situation in 2009 when, during the swine flu pandemic, the rich countries monopolized the supply of vaccine.

On 25 July President Donald trump boasted that the US has bought up 90 percent of the world’s drug ramdevpir, which is used to treat patients with coronavirus. The head of state noted that the drug has a great effect, and therefore, the administration of the President has secured control of inventory assets. According to media reports, the United States bought almost the entire stock of ramdevpir three months in advance, and other countries will not be able to buy the drug in sufficient volume in the near future.

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