Home » Could not take the village: the Russian commander hit the general, who called his brigade cowards

Could not take the village: the Russian commander hit the general, who called his brigade cowards

by alex

Russian invaders/Getty Images

One ​​of the Russian commanders beat up a general for calling the brigade cowards. His soldiers were unable to capture the village.


All the soldiers were surprised by the behavior of the general. This was reported at the Main Intelligence Directorate on July 26.

They called cowards

Our brigade was called cowards, because that we, you see, could not capture the village. There, one general came and said: “Your guys are cowards. They couldn't take it.” And the old brigade commander saw this general and, as they said, he stuffed his face, – says the invader.

The invader says that all the officers and soldiers were shocked by the general's statement. After all, their brigade is allegedly very “strong” and “took the most difficult direction” in Ukraine. But everyone liked that the general was still “stuffed in the face.”

Mother reassures her son, they say, do not take it to heart. It's good that the general was hit, but it would be nice if they shot him.

Russian hospitals cannot cope with the number of wounded

Russia loses more than one every day hundreds of soldiers. The number of wounded is also huge. Therefore, enemy hospitals cannot cope with the number of victims. This was reported by Ukrainian intelligence on July 25.

Therefore, Russian doctors are gradually being mobilized. Doctors will be sent to the occupied territories of Ukraine. In particular, in Mariupol, Luhansk, Donetsk.

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