Home » Corruption from the invaders: Gauleiter in Mariupol sells drained diesel fuel and humanitarian aid

Corruption from the invaders: Gauleiter in Mariupol sells drained diesel fuel and humanitarian aid

by alex

Gauleiter in Mariupol sells diesel fuel and humanitarian aid/Collage of 24 channels

< strong _ngcontent-sc130="">Local Mariupol gauleiter Ivan Topuzov (former village head) entered into a real collaboration with the occupiers.

He helps the Russians to sell all the loot. Piotr Andryushchenko, an adviser to the Mayor of Mariupol, told about this.

Helps drain fuel

He, together with the occupiers, ensures the sale of stolen diesel fuel to farmers in the Mariupol region and residents of Urzuf. It is simply drained from the tanks. Then they sell it at a ridiculous and far from reality price – 20 hryvnia per liter.

And at gas stations of infidels, stolen fuel can be found for at least 26 hryvnias per liter. It is not surprising that the Russians themselves take all the money. So the local Gauleiter complains about “small interest rates”.

I think such theft is fully coordinated with the FSB and the so-called “Ministry of State Security”. Otherwise, either they are not so terrible, or there are no options, Andryushchenko believes.

Topuzov sends fellow villagers to “filter”

However, Topuzov did not stop there. So that none of the local destinations could buy anything from the Russians, he massively sends fellow villagers to “filter”.

  • Denunciations are written by his secretary Tatyana Butyaeva, so that no one intervenes in the fraud.
  • Anatoly Avramov, the former head, as well as a dubious element of the Yanukovych era, is also involved in the scheme for the theft of Russian diesel fuel.

< h4>Sale of humanitarian aid

Also, the shops and markets of Urzuf in the Donetsk region have already noticed the sale of humanitarian aid – goods supplied to the Russian civil service.

By the way, recently the head of the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office informed in absentia that a deputy of the Mariupol City Council was suspected of high treason committed under martial law.

What is happening in Mariupol

  • Russian infidels mercilessly destroyed Mariupol. Now they are trying to capture everything that has survived. For example, even the local branches of Ukrposhta.
  • Mariupol residents, who managed to survive several months of merciless bombardment and shelling, are now waiting for hours in the heat in queues for miserable “help” from Russia, and a stable water supply in the city is up to still not. Queues for a handful of products daily range from 1.5 to 2 thousand people.
  • At the same time, kafirs brazenly “run the house” in Mariupol schools – they take out all textbooks in Ukrainian from there. The invaders are importing their own, Russian books.
  • According to the latest data from Petr Andryushchenko, since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, about 22 thousand people have died in Mariupol, and the population of the city has decreased by 5 times.

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