Home » Continued bluff – Piontkovsky on Putin's threats to use nuclear weapons

Continued bluff – Piontkovsky on Putin's threats to use nuclear weapons

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc140="" class="news-annotation">Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin continues his nuclear blackmail, which has been going on for over 15 years. Russia will not dare to launch nuclear strikes, as there will be a radical response for them.

Only one country can effectively respond to Putin's nuclear threats. About this 24 channelsAndrei Piontkovsky, a Russian publicist from Washington, said.

Zugzwang for Putin

The expert noted that the “nuclear chatter” that Putin began on September 21, is “a continuation of the bluff”.

He knows full well, and he was told at the level of Biden that if tactical nuclear weapons are used, The West will immediately strike back< /strong> , which will affect him personally. He knows that then he will be killed, the analyst is convinced.

According to him, the head of the Kremlin will try to implement the last attempt to win the war against Ukraine by threatening to destroy the Ukrainian infrastructure.

“The answer to this is obvious. It will depend primarily on the United States,” Piontkovsky added.


Why panic reigns in Putin's bunker: watch the video

“Bluff must be ignored”

The publicist noted that Putin, when he uttered his “nuclear threats”, he “ugly distorted”.

He started with “self-defense”. Then he said that supposedly, as a response to the threat to territorial integrity, Russia allegedly “won't be afraid to use” nuclear weapons. This blackmail is quite obvious. In addition, he is afraid of ATACMS systems. He says that if Ukraine receives them, Russia will use nuclear weapons. This is a bluff that should simply be ignored,” the Russian journalist assured.

In his opinion, Putin is already using such approaches more than 15 years .

“Because of this, Georgia and Ukraine were not taken into NATO 15 years ago. Therefore, they “swallowed” the annexation of Georgian lands, the seizure of Crimea, etc. But now the West is he refused to do so. They said that if Russia uses nuclear weapons, then it will receive the same “answer”,” the expert added.

At the same time, he is convinced that the issue of providing ATACMS to Ukraine is fundamental and it is “already resolved”.

“Putin could use nuclear weapons after Ukraine's missile strikes on Crimea. Russia considers the peninsula to be its territory, so this is all demagogy. What he calls these occupied territories does not matter,” Piontkovsky believes.

According to him , if the head of the Kremlin was ready to use nuclear weapons, he could have done it a long time ago.

“Putin will not do this, because he is not a martyr – he wants to live. But he made a fatal mistake, which, according to in my opinion, will quickly bring him to the dock of the “Mariupol Tribunal”over the main war criminals,” the publicist concluded.

The Kremlin threatens the “nuclear”: latest news

  • The day before, Russian propagandists Zakharova and Skabeeva began to hysteria about the “red lines” and ” strikes on Berlin”. According to Russian publicist Andrei Piontkovsky, these are “stupid” women's “ultimatums”.
  • At the same time, US President Joe Biden on September 17 warned Vladimir Putin about the serious consequences of the use of nuclear and chemical weapons .
  • Subsequently, on September 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin nevertheless threatened the world with nuclear weapons.The dictator stressed that Russia would use all available means to “protect itself”.
  • Political strategist Mikhail Sheitelman suggested that as early as next week the paths could declare nuclear war, and US President Joe Biden would have to make a “difficult decision”.
  • In addition, Pope Francis reacted to Putin's nuclear blackmail, calling the words of the head of the Kremlin “madness “.

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