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Conscripts, reservists and conscripts: main differences in status and responsibilities

by alex

Conscripts, conscripts and reservists are completely different statuses. What are the differences between them and how their responsibilities to the state differ, read in the ICTV Facts material.

Categories of Ukrainian citizens regarding military service

Military duty in Ukraine includes:

  • preparation for military service;
  • addition to recruiting stations;
  • concluding a contract on a voluntary basis and conscription for military service;
  • military service;
  • fulfillment of military duty in reserve;
  • service in the military reserve;
  • compliance with military registration rules.

According to Law 2232-XII of Ukraine On universal conscription and military service, Ukrainians regarding military service can be:

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  • pre-conscripts – subject to registration at conscription stations;
  • conscripts – assigned to conscription stations;
  • military personnel – undergoing military service;
  • those liable for military service – are in reserve;
  • reservists – voluntarily serve in the reserve and are intended to staff military units in peacetime and war.

In the passport of every citizen of Ukraine who belongs to the specified categories, a mark corresponding to their status is entered.

Conscripts, conscripts and military personnel – how do these categories of citizens differ

Those liable for military service are those Ukrainians who are in the reserves to staff the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations during a special period. They may also be involved in work to ensure the country's defense. Persons liable for military service are registered with the TCC and SP.

Reservists are citizens of Ukraine liable for military service who serve in the military reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. In peacetime, reservists pursue civilian careers and undergo regular military training. Such training includes monthly training sessions to maintain military skills and exercises, usually held once a year.

Conscripts are citizens who are assigned to conscription stations and are registered with the TCC and SP.

Military personnel – Ukrainians who serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. They are registered at the place of duty.

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