Home » Conscription in Ukraine: how long do the mobilized

Conscription in Ukraine: how long do the mobilized

by alex

Martial law continued in Ukraine, and along with it, mobilization. Therefore, everyone who is subject to conscription should learn a little about it.

According to the Constitution, protecting the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine is a duty for all citizens. Channel 24 will tell you how long the service will last for those who have been drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

What is mobilization

According to Ukrainian legislation, from the moment of the announcement of mobilization, except for the targeted one, or the introduction of martial law, a special period begins for the functioning of the national economy, state authorities, local self-government, Armed Forces of Ukraine, enterprises, etc.

In the Law “On mobilization training and mobilization” states that mobilization is a set of measures carried out with the aim of systematically transferring to functioning in a special period:

  • national economy,
  • activities of state authorities, local self-government and others,
  • enterprises, institutions and organizations.

In turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military units, the Operational and Rescue Service of Civil Protection are transferred on the organization and states of wartime.

Mobilization can be general or partial and is carried out openly or covertly.

Terms of military service

Terms of conscripts< /strong> in Ukraine are:

  • for soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen who are doing military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations – up to 18 months;
  • for persons who, at the time of conscription for military service, have a master's degree of higher education – up to 12 months .

In turn, for Ukrainians called up for military service, these terms will be:

  • for officers who are conscripted for military service – up to 18 months;
  • for those who are doing military service by conscription during mobilization, for a special period – until the end of the special period or until the announcement of the decision on demobilization; – for periods determined by the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Terms of service under the contract

  • for privates – 3 years;
  • for non-commissioned officers and senior officers – from 3 to 5 years;
  • for cadets of higher military educational institutions and military educational units of universities – training time.

For officers, the term of service under the contract will be:

  • for military personnel who have graduated from higher military educational institutions, military educational units of higher education institutions under the training program for military service in positions of officers and mastered the specialty of aviation flight personnel – 10 years, if other specialties – 5,
  • for citizens who have been assigned a primary military rank after completing a full course of military training under the training program for reserve officers or in the procedure for attesting persons for conferring primary military ranks of reserve officers – from 2 to 5 years, and for other citizens – from 1 to 5 years.

Military service can be extended under a new contract :

    3 years;
  • for military personnel serving in the military as sergeants and senior officers – from 3 to 5 years;
  • for officers – from 5 to 10 years.

Please note! During the special period for military personnel, at their request, the period of military service under the new contract can be extended for a period of 1 to 10 years, but no more than until reaching the age limit stay in military service. In the event of the end of the special period or the announcement of a decision on demobilization, such contracts are terminated ahead of schedule.

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