Home ยป Congressional panel recommends US prepare for simultaneous war with China and Russia – Reuters

Congressional panel recommends US prepare for simultaneous war with China and Russia – Reuters

by alex

The United States must prepare for war with both Russia and China/Illustrative collage of Channel 24

Ukraine has been resisting a full-scale Russian invasion for more than a year and a half. However, the international community does not exclude the possibility that a war may break out between China and Taiwan.

Actually, the United States must be prepared for the fact that there will be a war with both Russia and China at the same time. To achieve this, say the bipartisan Strategic Policy Commission appointed by the US Congress, the Armed Forces should be expanded and nuclear weapons modernized.

Tension between China and Taiwan is growing

The commission's report comes amid:

  • tensions with China over Taiwan and other issues;
  • escalating misunderstandings with Russia over its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

A senior official was asked whether intelligence briefings indicate Chinese-Russian nuclear cooperation. He refused to answer this question.

We are concerned. There may be some kind of final coordination between them that will lead us to this design of two wars,โ€ the official emphasized.

A significant amount of resources will be required

Reuters journalists note that the resultscould upend the US national security strategythat is currently being followed. It calls for winning one conflict while also containing another.

They note that defense spending will need to increase. And this will need to be doneagainst the backdrop of uncertain support from Congress.

“We recognize the fiscal realities, but we also believe the nation must make these investments,” said former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global and Strategic Affairs Medellin Creedon.

Number of Conflicts will grow

  • Political scientist Igor Reiterovich noted this on Channel 24. He noted that there are many potential areas for the outbreak of conflicts on different continents.
  • According to him, now the issue of Taiwan remains open. And although China says that in the near future it is not going to resolve this issue through military means, everything can change.
  • Do not forget thatNorth Koreaat any moment can decide on a crazy step. Part of the surrounding region could turn, if not into radioactive ash, then into a desert where it will be extremely difficult to survive.
  • Also, one of the potential zones where the conflict could escalate is in Europe. After all, the issue betweenSerbia and Kosovo has not been finally resolved.

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