Home ยป Combat drugs for the military: another Russian fake about “secret laboratories” in Ukraine

Combat drugs for the military: another Russian fake about “secret laboratories” in Ukraine

by alex

Russians keep lying about military drugs for the Armed Forces of Ukraine/Armed Forces of Ukraine

“Effectiveness” is an unfamiliar word for Russian propaganda. The myths about “combat drugs” do not strike even their thoughtless masses, but they continue to lie about them with inspiration.

Ukrainian defenders, thanks to their insane courage and skill, effectively resist the Russian invaders and inflict heavy losses on them. The “Second Army of the World” is not able to understand such valor and courage, therefore, it hopes for all sorts of inventions.

Combat drugs again

According to Sergey Leshchenko , Russian propagandists do not get tired of lying that Ukrainian soldiers use some kind of military drugs.

In particular, propagandists from Ria Novosti announced that they had discovered another biolaboratory for Rubizhny, where “military drugs” were produced for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

True, the Russians have already begun to get confused in their own lies, because they constantly cannot decide what is produced in the “secret Ukrainian biolaboratories”: biological weapons or military drugs for Ukrainian soldiers.

Russia's war against Ukraine: latest news

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