Home » Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine called the ratio of losses of Ukraine and Russia in the war

Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine called the ratio of losses of Ukraine and Russia in the war

by alex

Ukraine's losses in the war with Russia are classified information that the enemy cannot know. It can only be voiced by the military command of the state in very rare cases.

Losses of one's own army are strategic information that the enemy can use to plan their operations. Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military expert, pilot-instructor Roman Svitan spoke about this during the stream on24 Channels.

Losses of Ukraine and Russia

The interlocutor notes that no matter what the losses are, in no case can they be confirmed. After all, this is not about internal understanding by the Ukrainians themselves – it is about military strategic secret information.

The only thing we can partially judge by is the statements that the General Staff sometimes issues.< strong> Our losses are 1 to 7, and then we can count, – said Roman Svitan.

Roman Svitan on the anniversary of the war and the losses: watch the video

There are many wounded in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Except In addition, he said that it was no longer a secret, and it was impossible to hide the fact that the Ukrainian army had a lot of wounded. But from a certain point of view, this can be a big plus.

“Just listen to the end. This means that we have fewer killed. That is, we save everyone we can save. There are really many wounded, many seriously wounded” , – notes the colonel of the reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to him, Ukrainian paramedics, all medical personnel, surgeons save almost everyone who can still be saved. Thanks to this, we have much fewer dead than the Russians.

And more wounded in the ratio of dead to wounded. This is not inside, it's all on the surface. Such a situation is difficult for us, unequivocally, – summed up Roman Svitan.

Russia's losses in the war

As of the morning of February 24, that is, exactly one year later of a full-scale invasion, Russia lost:

  • personnel – 146 thousand 820 people,
  • tanks – 3 thousand 363 units,
  • armored fighting vehicles – 6 thousand 600 units,
  • artillery systems – 2 thousand 363 units;
  • MLRS – 474 units;
  • air defense systems – 247;
  • li>

  • aircraft – 299;
  • helicopters – 287;
  • ships or boats – 18;
  • automotive equipment and tankers – 5 thousand 224;< /li>
  • special equipment – 229.

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