Home » Collected data on military positions in Kyiv at the beginning of the war: the SBU detained an FSB agent

Collected data on military positions in Kyiv at the beginning of the war: the SBU detained an FSB agent

by alex

The SBU detained an FSB agent in Kyiv, who in the first days of a full-scale invasion collected intelligence for the invaders, and when he realized that the Russian Federation would not be able to capture the capital of Ukraine, — “lay to the bottom” and tried to escape justice.

This is reported by SBU.

According to the investigation, during February-March 2022, he carried out a task to identify the locations of Ukrainian military personnel who participated in the battles for Kyiv.

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First of all, the enemy was interested in the strongholds and firing positions of the fighters of the Special Operations Center A of the SBU in the territory and environs of the capital.

What is known about the Kremlin agent

A Russian agent walked around the streets of the metropolis in the intervals between curfew hours under the guise of an ordinary citizen. This is how he collected intelligence.

On the ground, he tried to covertly record as many locations of Ukrainian defenders as possible to prepare an appropriate “report” in the FSB.

— Among the array of information, the occupiers hoped to identify the combat positions of Ukrainian special forces in order to launch targeted air strikes on them. However, the aggressor failed to realize his plans. When the Russians realized that they would not be able to quickly capture Kyiv, the attacker lay low for a long time ” and “turned” their intelligence activities to avoid detection, — informs the department.

Subsequently, the defendant again entered into remote communication with the Russian “curator” and received new tasks from him.

This time, the enemy agent had to actively disseminate Kremlin propaganda theses on social networks, veiled under “general sentiment” residents of the Kiev region.

It was established that in messages on his own Facebook page the attacker praised the invaders and called for the seizure of the capital region of our state.

During searches at the addresses of the detainee, computer equipment and mobile phones were discovered with evidence of his intelligence and subversive activities in favor of the aggressor country.

Собирал данные о позициях военных в Киеве в начале войны: СБУ задержала агента ФСБ

Photo: SBU

Now SBU investigators have informed the defendant of suspicion under four articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • h. 2 tbsp. 111 (high treason committed under martial law);
  • h. 1 tbsp. 161 (deliberate actions aimed at inciting national hatred);
  • st. 436 (war propaganda);
  • h. 3 tbsp. 436-2 (justification, recognition as lawful, denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, glorification of its participants).

The traitor is now in custody. He faces life imprisonment.

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