Home » China would have perceived the war in Ukraine differently: what is the likelihood of Zelensky meeting with Xi Jinping

China would have perceived the war in Ukraine differently: what is the likelihood of Zelensky meeting with Xi Jinping

by alex

There was a long-awaited reaction from Beijing on the proposal of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky regarding his personal meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Such a meeting is very necessary, it should be prepared and held without fail. The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to China in 1999-2001 told Channel 24 about this. Igor Litvin. He believes that a meeting between Zelensky and Xi Jinping is quite likely.

Although Lytvyn noted that during the year, China at various levels maintained only a dialogue with Ukraine.

If we had attempts to intensify this dialogue, then we would ask the Chinese side about intensifying the meeting of the two presidents not in a year, but earlier, he stressed.

In his opinion, the sooner such a meeting takes place, the more hope that the PRC will move away from the general calls for peace and negotiations and finally decide on where the situation arose when a nuclear state attacked a neighboring state, which is also strategic for the Chinese. . partner.

Historical parallels

He recalled that in 1937, China experienced a terrible tragedy, the so-called “Nanjing massacre” (during the Sino-Japanese war, the Japanese military committed criminal acts in the Chinese city of Nanjing – Channel 24).

One can draw parallels with the events and the war that has been going on for a year on the territory of Ukraine. If in 1937 someone had proposed to China the “formula” that he is now offering Ukraine, urging both sides to sit down at the negotiating table, how would the Chinese people and the leadership of the country take it? Probably, in the same way as we perceive today, – the interlocutor noted.

According to him, there is no need to call on both sides to end the conflict, because one side is the aggressor, and the other side is defending its territory and its people.

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Ukraine has not had an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to China for 2 years

Lytvyn suggested that Xi Jinping would not dare to visit Kyiv at the current stage of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Until China takes a clear position that would define Moscow as an aggressor, and does not take the appropriate steps to ensure that Russia immediately ends the insidious occupation of Ukraine, nothing of the kind can be expected until then, he stressed.

In his personal opinion, Ukraine is doing nothing to ensure that this scenario has real prospects.

“Ukraine has not had an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to China for 2 years. And this is at a time when we need such a world player as China to take the side of Ukraine if Beijing declares such peaceful steps,” Igor Lytvyn stressed.

Meeting of the leaders of Ukraine and China: what is known

  • On February 24, at a press conference “February. The Year of Indestructibility,” President Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that he was eager to meet personally with Xi Jinping. He also noted that Ukraine and China are interested in maintaining relations.
  • Beijing has already responded to such a proposal: Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said that China has always maintained contact with all sides of the Russian-Ukrainian “conflict”.
  • Answering a question about Volodymyr Zelensky's statement and the possibility of meeting with Xi Jinping, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman noted that China's position on the “crisis” in Ukraine is “consistent and very clear.”
  • Mao Ning noted that the essence is to call for peace and promote dialogue and promote a political solution to the crisis. We have always kept in touch with the involved parties, including Ukraine.

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