Home » “China wants to negotiate”: what topics will Biden and Xi discuss during the meeting

“China wants to negotiate”: what topics will Biden and Xi discuss during the meeting

by alex

In addition to Taiwan, Biden and Xi will definitely talk about Ukraine / Getty Images, Collage 24 Channel

On November 15, Xi Jinping and Joe Biden will meet at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Many observers believe that the consequences of this meeting will significantly affect the geopolitical situation in the coming years.

Israeli journalist Zvi Zilber shared this thought with Channel 24 . On the eve of the US-China meeting, he suggested that the issue of Ukraine would play one of the central roles in it.

What will the meeting between Xi and Biden look like?

Presumably one of the main topics of the meeting will be the Russian-Ukrainian war. After the West began imposing sanctions aimed at destroying the Russian economy, China became the Kremlin's pillar of support for Putin's regime.

Taking this into account, at the meeting between Biden and Xi there may indeed be a US request to reduce aid to Russia. It is important that China wants to negotiate with Washington on a balance of interests, because Beijing is also uncomfortable with the prolonged prolongation of the war, Zilber suggested.

It is likely that if the United States finds something to offer China without losing its interests, Xi Jinping may well be able to reduce contacts with the Kremlin. However, this should only be considered the most optimistic scenario.

“I hope that Biden and Xi will be able to come to an agreement with each other, otherwise this meeting simply would not have happened. Most likely, the previous negotiators have already “closed” most of its agenda , and at the meeting itself, the leaders of the countries will be able to feel how much they can trust one another.” , noted the Israeli journalist.

Zvi Zilber on the meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping in San Francisco

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