Home » China doesn't want to be on the losing side in Russia's war with Ukraine – The Washington Post

China doesn't want to be on the losing side in Russia's war with Ukraine – The Washington Post

by alex

China does not want to be on the side of the one who loses the war between Russia and Ukraine. In addition, the PRC could continue trade with the aggressor country on favorable terms for it.

This was reported by The Washington Post columnist Max Booth. In his opinion, Beijing could play the same role for Russia that the United States plays for Ukraine, and then the chances of a terrorist country to win would increase.

China does not want to be on the losing side

Beijing has become the Kremlin's biggest source of imports, in particular semiconductors, which Russia needs to manufacture both civilian and military equipment. However, Xi Jinping does not want to stay on the side of Vladimir Putin, so he is trying to balance between the West and the aggressor country, which creates potential opportunities for influence from the Joe Biden administration.

In addition, China is not happy about the economic disruption caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, since the PRC is a creditor to low-income countries, and now they are worried about receiving a payment from countries whose economies have been hit by soaring commodity prices. goods.

As an unsentimental Realpolitik practitioner, Xi Jinping does not want to be on the losing side, the publication says.

Thus, China cannot afford yourself to be in such isolation as Russia. And this explains why Beijing is reaching out to Europe and trying to reduce hostility with the US.

China has been supplying aid to Russia

US officials have evidence that that Chinese companies sold non-lethal equipment to Russia for use in Ukraine. The Biden administration expressed concern to Beijing.

Thus, non-lethal equipment received by Russia from China contains body armor and helmets. The US believes that the Chinese government should take steps to stop aiding the aggressor.

Secretary of State Tony Blinken will visit China in the coming weeks and will presumably discuss these non-lethal supplies to Russia.

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