Home » China decided to “go on the offensive”: why Beijing called on the US to stop aid to Ukraine

China decided to “go on the offensive”: why Beijing called on the US to stop aid to Ukraine

by alex

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China's Permanent Representative to the UN Zhang Jun is cynical called on the United States of America to stop transferring military aid to Ukraine. This statement came against the backdrop of reports that allegedly “Russia is interested in a diplomatic settlement of the conflict.”

In addition, the Chinese government called for adherence to the Minsk agreement reached in 2014. On the air of Channel 24, diplomat and international relations expert Ruslan Osipenko explained whether such statements indicate a change in Beijing’s position.

What China wants

According to an international affairs expert, China's strategy has not changed. Beijing is using the Ukrainian issue to strengthen its image as a “peacemaker” and discredit the West.

This is work for the future. This is precisely flirting with the countries of the Global South, where China would like to take a leadership position,” Osipenko said.

On the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, February 24, 2023, Beijing unveiled its 12-step “peace” initiative to demonstrate an alternative to the Western peace formula. As the diplomat noted, in a recent statement, China's permanent representative to the UN repeated what was written in the so-called “peace plan”, in particular, he called on Ukraine to abandon the blocs.

This is the mentality of the Cold War and you cannot strengthen the security of one country thanks to another, that is, take into account the interests of great powers such as China and Russia. However, in general, Beijing has not moved away from its position, but why has it now made this curtsey, noted the international relations expert.

Who destroyed Beijing's plan

Now China is in a difficult situation, because they continue to put pressure on it. First of all, the United States increased sanctions. In December 2023, Joseph Biden signed secondary sanctions and banks limited their work with Russians. The European Union is also developing sanctions and for the first time since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war wants to apply them against Chinese companies.

China went on the offensive and thus defends himself. From Beijing's point of view, the West had upset the balance and effectively destroyed global trade, preventing China from rising, Osipenko prevented.

China planned to first strengthen its economy and then gain greater political influence in international relations. However, this plan has been destroyed and Beijing cannot achieve its strategic goals.

According to China's permanent representative to the UN, Ukraine must adhere to the Minsk agreement concluded in 2014. At the same time, it was Russia that violated the Minsk agreements by starting the war. Moscow withdrew from the negotiation process.

Whatever it was, such agreements are not suitable for Ukraine, because they were imposed primarily by military force and concluded to divert attention from Crimea, legalizing the annexation of the peninsula and dragging our state into an eternal negotiation process with Russia over the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

China's attitude towards Ukraine and Russia

  • China threatened Ukraine with a deterioration in bilateral relations. The reason is that Kiev included 14 Chinese companies in the list of “International War Sponsors”. in total, with military cargo.
  • On January 31, a video meeting between the Ministers of Defense of Russia and China took place. Beijing promised Russia's support in the “Ukrainian issue” despite Western pressure.

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