Home » China can support Russia when it loses – international affairs specialist

China can support Russia when it loses – international affairs specialist

by alex

China's representative to the UN called on the United States to immediately stop arms supplies to Ukraine. The statement comes amid reports that the Kremlin is allegedly interested in resolving the conflict “diplomatically.”

Chinese diplomat says Minsky should be adhered to agreement reached in 2014. At the same time, it was Russia that violated the agreements by starting the war. Diplomat and international affairs expert Ruslan Ostapenko analyzed the Chinese statement on 24 Channel.

“China can support Russia on a large scale. Now Beijing is doing this through individual companies, in particular through North Korea. But it can intervene when it loses,” said the international relations expert.

What Beijing is afraid of

The Celestial Empire understands that the Kremlin is close to exhausting its resources, Ruslan explained Osipenko. Although Russia has shifted its economy to a war footing, it is increasingly turning to Iran, North Korea and China for help.

Beijing realizes that the Russian-Ukrainian war has reached a decisive point. If the West provides assistance to Ukraine and limits the flow of income to Russia with secondary sanctions, it will lose. Therefore, China is now beginning to get involved politically in order to prevent the balance from being destroyed.

China is helping Russia in the war against Ukraine

  • A plane from China arrived in Belarus on January 8 – 11, most likely delivering military cargo. The plane landed in the VIP zone, which is used by self-proclaimed President Alexander Lukashenko.
  • Deputy head of the Joint Transitional Cabinet of Belarus Pavel Latushko suggested that we could be talking about Chinese Dragon armored vehicles, which are in service with the Belarusian army. At the same time, the corresponding spare parts for the missiles that are used in the production of the Polonaise MLRS could be delivered.
  • By the way, the EU proposes to include 3 Chinese companies in the sanctions list, who helped Russia. This could be the first time Chinese companies are sanctioned for a war started by Russia.

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