Home » Chickens laugh: in Russia they decided to “cancel” the recognition of the independence of Lithuania

Chickens laugh: in Russia they decided to “cancel” the recognition of the independence of Lithuania

by alex

Russians don't like Lithuania's independence/Collage 24 channel

Russian infidels decided to break away from reality altogether. They decided that they could not only start a war against another country, but also abolish someone's statehood by their decision.

The Baltic countries have become a very strong ally of Ukraine in the war against the Russian invaders. It bakes the invaders very much, but they cannot do anything about it. Well, except for another absurdity, of course.

“Cancellation” of Lithuania's independence

Russian deputies are racing to do various absurd things in order to please their Kremlin boss. The depth of the absurd does not matter – Russia has long since abandoned all horizons of adequacy.

Russian MP Fedorov has decided to submit to the State Duma a draft law on the “cancellation” of Lithuania's independence. He seriously believes that the abolition of the resolution “On the recognition of the independence of the Republic of Lithuania”, adopted on September 6, 1991, will somehow affect the fact that Lithuania is an independent country with internationally recognized borders.

Chickens laugh: Russia decided to 'cancel' the recognition of Lithuania's independence

Law on the 'cancellation “Independence of Lithuania/Photo from Russian Media

The ailing Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's claims of “restoring” the USSR after the insane losses of infidels in Ukraine sounded surreal, but it looks like the Russians have decided to completely scrap their army. The occupiers hope that they will succeed in the war against Ukraine and will be able to enter the territories of other countries, but the future only prepares for the invaders collapse, isolation and contempt from all civilized people.

Russia's war against Ukraine: briefly about the main

  • Russians are very afraid to go to die in Ukraine, so they resist mobilization. It became known about one more case of “unauthorized ignition” of the military registration and enlistment office. Despite the fact that the infidels hide insane losses and even banned the publication of the names of all “good Russians”, this does not add to the spirit of militancy among their citizens.
  • The Russians tried to force the Chief Rabbi of Moscow, Pinchas Goldschmidt, to support the war against Ukraine. He refused and left Russia. A successor has already been found in his place, but Russian rabbis believe that the position belongs to Goldschmidt.

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