Home » “Challenge to global security”: how NATO and the United States responded to Putin’s visit to the DPRK

“Challenge to global security”: how NATO and the United States responded to Putin’s visit to the DPRK

by alex

“A Challenge to Global Security”: How NATO and the US Reacted to Putin's Visit to the DPRK Diana Kvasnevskaya

What NATO and the US say about Putin's visit to the DPRK/Collage by Channel 24 (Photo

Vladimir Putin visited North Korea the day before, on June 18, for the first time in 24 years. NATO Secretary General said that this visit is a challenge to global security.

At a press conference in Washington, Jens Stoltenberg said that such close ties between Moscow and Pyongyang are a cause for concern. According to him, not only in Europe, writes 24 Kanal.

What NATO is saying about Putin's visit to North Korea

Putin's visit to North Korea confirms the close ties between Russia and authoritarian states such as North Korea, China and Iran. This shows that our security is not regional, but global,” explained Jens Stoltenberg.

According to him, what happens in Europe also matters for Asia, and events in Asia – for Europe. The NATO Secretary General explained that this was clearly demonstrated by the situation in Ukraine, when Iran, North Korea, China support and fuel Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.

Biden has concerns about Putin's visit to the DPRK

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, as Reuters writes, that Vladimir Putin's visit to the DPRK is “an act of desperation “. According to him, this should be a cause of concern for everyone interested in preserving peace.

Anthony Blinken assured that China's support allowed Russia to maintain its defense industrial base, supplying % of machine tools that Moscow imports, and 90% of microelectronics.

This must stop, the official said.

By the way, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre added that deepening cooperation between Russia and the DPRK is a trend that should cause serious concern for everyone interested in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

She also mentioned supporting the people of Ukraine who are fighting against Russian occupation.

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