Home » Certificate of freedom from corruption offences: what information does it contain and who issues it?

Certificate of freedom from corruption offences: what information does it contain and who issues it?

by alex

Certificate of absence of corruption offenses — this is an official document confirming that an individual or legal entity has no criminal record for corruption crimes. ICTV Facts found out where and how you can get a certificate of absence of corruption offenses.

Why do you need a certificate of absence of corruption offenses

A certificate is provided if an individual or legal entity or his authorized representative applies.

Scope of use of a certificate of corruption:

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  • For participation in government tenders and procurement.
  • For the purpose of obtaining licenses and permits to conduct business activities.
  • For employment in the civil service or local government.
  • For the purpose of admission to educational institutions for the state form of education.
  • To obtain a visa to enter certain countries.
  • To check information about people who are candidates for positions related to the functioning of the state or local government.
  • The request may come from law enforcement agencies if information is needed in criminal or administrative proceedings.

How to obtain a certificate of absence of corruption offenses

A certificate of corruption for an individual is provided by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption.

How to obtain a certificate of corruption, instructions:

  • To do this, you need to enter Unified State Register of Persons who have committed corruption or corruption-related offenses, and click Inquiries .
  • You can choose Get a certificate for an individual (legal entity) or Check already issued certificate. Costs Upload a document with a personal digital signature.
  • After receiving the key protection password, you need to press Get help. Usually a certificate is issued within one hour. There is no fee for obtaining this document.

Справка об отсутствии коррупционных правонарушений: какую информацию содержит и кто ее выдает


The provision of services may be refused if there is no electronic digital signature.

What information is contained in a certificate of corruption for a legal entity

Help contains information that is specified in the registry. This is information about a legal entity if criminal law measures are applied to it. The document indicates the surname, first name, patronymic of the person, the date of entry into force of the court decision, information on bringing the individual to justice for a corruption offense.

Indicate the date and number of the court decision and court case, as well as the name of the court that made the court decision.

The provision of services is regulated by Law of Ukraine on the Prevention of Corruption, Article 59 and Decision of the national Agency for the Prevention of Corruption No. 166 dated February 9, 2018.

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