Home ยป Categories of people who definitely cannot be mobilized: full list

Categories of people who definitely cannot be mobilized: full list

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc137="" class="news-annotation">Martial law and mobilization have been declared since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. For almost 7 months, many myths about mobilization and those who can be drafted into the army have appeared.

Channel 24 decided to explain which categories of people definitely cannot be mobilized. Read on for the full list.

The Ministry of Defense previously warned that if a person liable for military service evades conscription, he may be brought to administrative and even criminal liability. However, they cannot mobilize into the army those who are not subject to this mobilization.

We add that on August 16, 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed Law No. 2491-IX, which provides for the expansion of the list of persons not subject to conscription during mobilization. Consequently, the law provides that there are a large number of citizens who cannot be called up for service without their own consent. Mostly due to family reasons and health reasons.

Groups of people who do not have the right to mobilize

  • employees of companies, organizations and bodies who have been “booked” to perform their duties;
  • persons incapable of service, that is, those who have a disability or are temporarily unfit due to health reasons;
  • citizens who support and are responsible for three or more children under the age of 18. This category also includes guardians and parents of adults with I or II disability groups;
  • persons who independently raise a minor child;
  • citizens of Ukraine who care for seriously ill family members, such as a wife or husband, child, mother or father;
  • guardians, adoptive parents, foster parents and caregivers of underage orphans and those deprived of parental care ;
  • people's deputies of Ukraine, as well as some categories of officials;
  • persons liable for military service who already have a spouse and a minor child. In addition, this category includes those whose close relatives died or went missing as a result of hostilities in the East of Ukraine;
  • students of higher educational institutions, applicants for professional higher education. However, only those who study on a full-time or dual form are meant. In addition, teachers and educators cannot be mobilized either.

General mobilization in Ukraine: what does it involve

By presidential decree on February 24, general mobilization was announced throughout Ukraine. This means that citizens of Ukraine who have received a summons are required to go to military units, where they must receive further instructions.

In order to maintain order during general mobilization, the Law of Ukraine provides for special queues (waves) through which it passes in stages . In total, there are 4 waves of mobilization in Ukraine:

  • First wave – former servicemen and veterans of the ATO and JFO, operational reservists;
  • Second wave – the rest of the reservists and military personnel who served in the military until 2014 or served under the contract;
  • Third wave – reserve officers and those liable for military service who graduated from the military departments of universities;< /li>
  • Fourth Wave โ€“ all citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60 who do not have health restrictions.

Will there be mass mobilization in Ukraine: watch the video

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